Chpater Twelve: Executing The Plan - Trial One

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Coby woke up the next day with a plan. Not an evil plan, but a plan on how to find out more secrets about his wife's death. He thought, that since he found one piece of evidence at the Lab, he would go back there and take a look around the place for more evidence. Robert even said that he could get him in and get him access to the back rooms that visitors weren't suppose to go into. The plan was foolproof.

   So, that day, Coby decided he would attempt his plan for the first time. That morning, he dressed up like someone that would be interested in science. He put on some blue jeans, a gray collared shirt, fake thick black glasses and most importantly, he wore his wife's lab coat. When he took a look in the mirror, he was surprised at how much he looked like a scientist or something. But he also immediately had a sad feeling in the pit of his stomach, he was wearing his wife's lab coat. Many memories and feelings rushed through him. He sniffled a little bit, and moved on.

   "Hey Cassie! You look beautiful today." Coby said to his cat. Cassie purred and rubbed up against his leg.

   "Awww. Did you grow? You look taller today." Coby loved his cat. She was a true member of his family. Even if it was just Cassie and him.

   "Well, I'd love to stay and talk, but I really can't. Don't worry though, I'll be back around three. Love you Cassie!" Coby called to his cat as he walked out the front door.

   As usual, when he got into his car, he cranked up the volume of his Twenty One Pilots CD and started driving to the Lab. While he was driving, he went through his plan in his head multiple times.

   Step One: Walk into the Lab and act casual. Like, walk around the lobby for a few minutes acting like I'm interested in the scientific exhibits.

   Step Two: A few minutes later, ask the guy at the front desk (Robert) if I can go see Kaitlin's Lab.

   Step Three: After Robert allows me to go to her Lab, I go to her Lab. But, immediately I will go into the hallway outside of her Lab.

   Step Four: Robert and I will meet out in the hallway, and he will secretly hand me the key to the back rooms of the Science Lab.

   Step Five: With the key, I will go undercover and look through Kaitlin's records, and try to find anything suspicious.

   Mission Accomplished.

   Coby knew that he couldn't be caught, or else the whole plan would fail. He couldn't let that happen. When he arrived at the Lab, he parked his car and walked in the door. There was a ton of different scientific exhibits in the main lobby. So, he walked over to them, and acted as if he was interested in them. He set his stopwatch for two minutes and began to walk around even more.

   When the two minutes was over, he made eye contact with Robert and walked over to the line at the front desk. Getting through that horrifically long line took way longer than he had planned it would. It actually took about a total of twenty minutes to get through the line. Coby knew that because he had been checking his watch repeatedly. Anyway, when he finally reached the front desk, he acted kind of confused about where to go. He was trying to blend in as much as possible.

   "Umm, hello kind gentleman. I have been here for about a half an hour and I still can't locate where Kaitlin Keen's Lab room is. You see, I am here to look around her Lab room. So, if you could possibly direct me to her Lab, that would be great." Coby said sounding professional. He had practiced those lines over and over the day before.

   "Hello. Okay, so what you need to do here is sign yourself in, and-" Robert started to say before a security guard interrupted him.

   "Sir, can I ask you why you are here? Why are you wanting to look in Kaitlin Keen's Lab room?" The security guard asked Coby.

   Coby had to admit, he was kind of nervous, "Umm, hello sir. I am actually here to umm... gather info for the... New York Times!"

   "Son, I think you are confused. This is California. Not New York. You are not writing an article for the New York Times, are you Coby Smith?" The Security Guard asked while tilting his head slightly to the side.

   "Uhh..." Coby said, struggling to find words, "Yeah, sure. I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. I'll be leaving." Coby said, walking out the door.

   "Yeah, you go on home Coby. Go on home to your cat, Cassie. Make sure you get her some whipped cream as a treat while you're at it." The Security Guard said. He was really starting to creep Coby out.

   Coby walked out without saying anything. He didn't even look back at the Security Guard and Robert. He was too creeped out. How did that Security Guard know everything about Coby? He wondered what else the Security Guard knew about him. He couldn't wait to find out.

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