Chapter Thriteen: Talking With A Friend

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When Coby walked out of the Science Lab, he was so scared that he didn't even turn on music when he got into his car. He was too focused on getting home and Plan B of his plan that he forgot all about music. He loved music. But, he wasn't scared enough to forget his Starbucks. He drove through the drive through, got himself a Grande Blonde Roast coffee with cream and sugar. He also got a small cup of whipped cream for Cassie.

When he got into his driveway, he sat there for a second to process what had happened. That's when it hit him. How did that Security Guard know of of that stuff about him? Cameras. It had to be cameras. They must have been hidden all over his house. Or his car. Where else would they be? In his cat? Nah. No way!

He decided that he would rush into his house and check all over the place. In his room, in his bathroom, his office, his living room, his kitchen, and his basement. He though they couldn't be anywhere else. Those six rooms where the rooms that were most used in his house.

He ran into his house clutching onto his coffee and the cup of whipped cream, "Here Cassie! Enjoy it!" He said quickly as he set the cup of whipped cream on the ground.

"Sorry, I can't really talk with you right now, I got some cameras to take down." Coby said. He was sure that there were cameras around his house that were watching him.

"Sorry we haven't talked in a while." Someone with a sweet voice said from out of no where.

"What?!?! Who said that? Who's there?" Coby screamed. He didn't want to admit it, but he was scared.

"It's me. Do you remember me?" The voice said.

"No! I don't know who you are! Show yourself!" Coby yelled looking around him. He was not sure who was speaking. But at the same time, he recognized the voice very faintly.

Someone walked out of the living room and toward Coby, "It's me. Emma June. I hope your not mad at me."

"Emma! Oh my goodness! You scared me half to death!" Coby said walking closer to her.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here. I'm sorry I scared you." Emma said sounding like she really felt bad about what she did.

"Wait, how did you get in? The door was locked." Coby said motioning towards his front door.

"The window in the living room. I know it was wrong, but it was open. I climbed in. Ugh, I'm sorry. I can show myself out," she replied as she started walking towards the front door.

"No! No, it's okay," Coby said blocking her way to the door.

"Oh, okay. I just thought we could talk, you know? We haven't talked in a while anyway. Also, I heard what happened to you at the Lab."

"How do you know? All I told was my friend." Coby said sounding confused.

"Um, that doesn't matter. You have a beautiful home." Emma replied sounding as if she was trying to change the subject.

"Why thank you. My wife and I decorated it when we bought it."

"How nice. Yes, I love the colors you used on the furniture and the walls."

"Thank you. Care for some coffee?"

"If it's not a burden, sure."

How do you like your coffee?" Coby asked walking into the kitchen.

"Black. Just black please. I'm not a fan of all the other add-ins." Emma replied smiling.

"Okay," Coby said while starting up his coffee maker, "I already picked some up for myself on the way here."

"You were coming home from the Science Lab, right?"

"Uh, yes. How do you know all of this stuff about me? Please answer me."

"Ugh, lets sit down at your table. There's kind of a lot to explain." Emma suggested motioning towards his kitchen table.

"Okay, why does everyone at every place I go to know stuff about me? I'm so confused! At the hospital, a nurse knew stuff about me. At the Lab, a weird Security Guard knew my name, and my cats name! And know, you know stuff about me! Even where I came from to get here! What the heck is going on?" Coby asked sounding desperate as he sat down at the table.

"Oh man, you have it pretty hard. Okay, let me tell you everything. But, before I do, I have to know that I can trust you with all of my secrets. I'm not really suppose to tell you my secrets. So, can I trust you?" Emma asked holding out her hand.

"Yes, I trust you. I feel like you know what I'm going through. But, can you trust me?" Coby asked her.

"Yes, I think I can trust you. Lets shake on it." Emma said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Alright, tell me everything. I'm ready for part of the truth."

"Okay, this will take a while, so get comfortable." She said.

"Done." Coby replied nestling into his chair.

"Good, now lets start. There is this secret organization called the H-E-A-L-T-H. Don't ask why it's called that, because I don't know. But anyway, members of H-E-A-L-T-H have the job of tracking down people who are finding out secrets that they shouldn't. You see, every member of the organization works for a water company called Clear Waters. The Clear Water company was releasing something that I swore to not tell other people. But anyway, you are someone that is very important to the H-E-A-L-T-H organization. So, they have been tracking you from the day that your wife died. That's all I can say." Emma said with a frown.

"What? That only answers a few of my questions!"

"That's all I can tell you. In fact, I've ready told you to much. I'm sorry."

"But, you said that you trusted me. You said you would tell me everything!"

"I cannot."

"Okay, then why are you here right now?"

Emma sighed, "I don't know, I just felt like we needed to talk."

"I only want to talk to you if you will tell me more."

"But I cannot."

"I'm sorry, but if you can't tell me more, then can you please leave?"

"What? But I need to talk to you!"

"I don't want you here, I need to think."

"Please Coby!"

"Please leave."

"Coby, please! You don't understand!"

"Oh, I do understand. You don't trust me, so you won't tell me more! That's exactly what it is!"

"No! No it's not! Coby please listen!"

"You don't listen! Please leave my house! You can take this coffee with you." Coby said holding out her coffee.

"No! I need to tell you something!"

"I won't listen! Out!" Coby said showing her the door.

"No, stop! Ugh, okay!" Emma said as she started out the door.

"Thank you. Please don't come back." Coby said as he started to close the door.

"Wait! Don't close the door! I know who killed your wife!"


"I know who killed your wife! I'm not kidding! It wasn't an accident!"

"Who? Tell me?"

"It was someone you know. It was your friend. Robert."

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