Chapter 1

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You were sitting on your bed, trying to find inspiration for new songs. You have to start with your new album.. But you had no inspiration.. Then you picked up you telephone, looking trough Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, everything! But still didn't got any inspiration. :/ When you threw you phone away of stress you heard a sound coming out of it. You picked your phone up from the ground and saw an mail. You were literally shook.. It was an mail from Grammy's! You were so. freaking. happy! You are nominated for Grammy's! Oh my gosh you can't believe it! It wasn't a weird thing for you. But it was not something weird for you. Because you were also nominated 2 years ago and last year. But it was still something that made your day!

After some hours of finding inspiration, playing guitar trying to make some new melodies, playing piano, producing on your laptop. You finally got some inspiration! Yay! So when you are done with writing your new song, you started thinking by yourself: 'Would BTS also be there at Grammy's?' You liked them really much so you hoped to see them there! :') So you did your research at some apps but couldn't find it anywhere.. You were really sad again. It was like an dream to you to meet them! It would be awesome to see them there at the after party, sit next to them or just see them once. You felt like a young girl who is an huge fan of them. When they made a new song you were freaking excited. When they tweet something you were happy it made your day or something. It has something special in your heart. You didn't know how or why you had this feeling but they were there. And you know what they say, feelings doesn't change. You started dream about these things and didn't notice your little dog was scratching at the door. Then you suddenly scare up because you little cutie was barking. You said: "Oh no I didn't thought about you I'm sorry!" And you get out for a walk.

When you came back from a walk you directly heard your phone ringing, it was your friend Caitlyn! She was calling you!

"Hi Y/N! How are you doing?"

"Hi Caitlyn! I'm doing good how by you?"

"I'm feeling perfect! Since I know you're nominated for Grammy's! It made my day!!"

"Aww that's sweet! Thanks for the support!" ^^

"There's no thank you needed, you are such an inspiring person." :)

"Arghh about that, I still don't have much inspiration.." :/

"Oh am I bothering you? Can I help you?"

"No of course you're not bothering me! Please come to my house at 8 PM than you can drink something with me and help me"

"Okay! I'll be there!"

"Thanks! See you then!"

"See you"

And you hung up the phone. Finally someone who could help you.. It was so stressful without inspiration!

*Time skip*

It was 8 PM and Caitlyn came. "Hi Cait!" you hugged her "Hi Y/N!" and she hugged you back. You both walked into your house and took a seat. You asked her what to drink and eat. It's was cozy with her. You both drank your drinks and ate your cookies. Also talked a bit about how life was going. Then she started about the topic Grammy's. "Hey Y/N are you going to see BTS at Grammy's?" She asked. "I don't know.. I didn't found anything about it on the internet.." "Aww it's going to be okay, you'll see them!" c: "I hope so.." ^^ "Are you coming to support me there?" you asked her. "That would be amazing! I can try to come. I don't know if I have enough time, but I'll promise I'll try to come!" "That's nice, you know how I am, I always need someone by my side" ^^

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