Chapter 13

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*The next day*

You woke up on a weird place, and also didn't feel comfortable. When you opened your eyes you saw just a couch. Yea you felt asleep on the couch with Yoongi, but he wasn't next to you. You directly looked up, searching around you for Yoongi. When you walked slow and sleepy to the kitchen you saw him standing there, making breakfast. 

"Goodmorning Yoongi! :)" You said and hugged him from behind.

"Mhm Goodmorning." He said sleepy.

"What are you doing here alone early in the morning?"

"Making breakfast for you and me?" 


"Is it weird or something?"

"No! ^^" 

After that it stayed in silence and you were just watching him making some breakfast. You both ate it and I was delicious! When you both were done with eating, cleaning up, changing clothes and stuff you went to the Bighit building again. In the car to the building it was really cozy, some nice music, small talks, just nice! 

*At the building*

Everyone was already there waiting for you and Yoongi. 

"Yoongi what did it take so long?" Namjoon asked. 

"I don't know? Nothing?" 

"Hm okay."

You were still really tired. You didn't slept well for some reason. You were really comfy, but just didn't slept well. Because of that tiredness you leaned with your head on Yoongi's shoulder. Sometimes when no one was looking he stroke your hair, when suddenly Namjoon saw it. He looked really happy at Yoongi like he did something magical or something. When there was a little pause he took you and Yoongi apart. 

"I saw it Yoongi." He said.

"You saw what?"

"You're stroking Y/N's hair. So..?"

"So what? Isn't that normal in a relationship?"

"Okay nevermind I already have my answer." 

"OHH YEA yeah we have a relationship now! :D"

You were just standing next to Yoongi, still tired..

"She's tired right?"


"Why don't you go home today it's was just a day to talk a bit." 

"Mhm good idea.." You said sleepy. It made still no sense that you were this tired. So you guys went back home and in the car you felt asleep. Yoongi saw it an gave you a little kiss. After that he gave a cute gummy smile and looked back at the road. 

When you came home you woke up.

"Mhm where are we?"


"Oh okay, why?"

"You looked so tired, and now I just realize that you were probably sleeping when we were at the building." 

"Oh, yea I guess?" 

"Please go sleep princess, you look really tired." 

"Mhm thank you Yoongi, but please don't leave your house. I was scared you were gone this morning."

"Of course I'll stay here."

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