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It was awful having to look her in the eye and say goodbye. It was even worse not being able to tell her the real reason why we were having to leave so quickly, it was all because of our tour manager. That guy was the strictest person I have ever met, but I put up with him because he was Mark's friend and he wanted to manage this tour, but I don't care what Mark says, I'm not going on tour with him again.

I brought myself out of my thoughts as I noticed Cal giving everyone hugs and taking pictures, I stepped up to her and I saw the sorrow behind her bright, blue eyes deepen. It was so sad, I could barely stand to look her in the eye, but I had to, I have to be tough for her. Come on, pull yourself together, man. She looks up to you, be strong. Don't fall apart. I watched sadly as she gave everyone their hugs, when it was my turn I scooped her up into my arms and held her close. I wasn't going to lose her that easily.

She buried her face into the crook of my neck, I could feel the warmth of her breath across the back of my neck. Then I felt her first tear, which made me want to cry. I hated goodbyes. They suck. You always feel like you're never going to see the person again, which I hope isn't true in this situation. But I couldn't just stand there and leave her crying, so I held her closer, it seemed like the right thing to do.

"I'm going to miss you." I could tell that she was doing her best to hold back a sob. Hearing her like this tore my heart into little pieces, but there was nothing I can do.

I decided to try and lighten the mood. "I'm going to miss getting you out of trouble." I was so close to crying, but I was a grown man and that would be kind of embarrassing.

"Don't cry, Tough Guy."

I have no idea why she always called me that, she should really know that I'm not that tough. "Well, you should know that I'm not that tough." I blurted, she shouldn't continue thinking the wrong thing.

"You're only as tough as you let yourself believe." She replied as she wriggled free of my arms so that she was standing on top of the chairs again, still holding onto me.

I thought about her statement for a moment. She was right. I was only as tough as I let myself believe. "Okay, I'm tough. I'll be tough for you."

She responded by letting a sob escape from her. I didn't like it when she cried, she meant too much to me, she felt like a daughter oddly. She just seemed so strong, she reminded me of how I want my kids to grow up, strong, independent, and able to stand up for themselves.

I pulled away from her and put my hands on her cheeks, wiping away her tears with my thumbs. "Hey, don't cry. Your makeup will run."

"I don't care about makeup."

I heard Isom whistle, "That's the first time I've heard a girl say that." He muttered under his breath, just loud enough for us to hear.

I smiled as Cal laughed. "There's that smile." I said as she turned bright red. That must've embarrassed her... Sorry, but I'm not sorry, she needed to hear that. She turned her face away from me, not able to look at me anymore. I was slightly offended, but then she suddenly flew around and threw her arms around my neck again.

"Thanks. For everything." She mumbled into my shoulder.

I looked back at the others as they looked about as bad as I felt. I saw Mark wipe his eye. "It's not like we'd leave you hanging. I told you that I wouldn't let anything happen to you, and I mean it." I said, still looking back at the guys, who were nodding in agreement.

I could feel her smile, then I heard some familiar words. "Give it all for you, I'd give it all for you, I'd give it all for you, I'd do anything for you." I heard her sing so softly into my shoulder, it was impossible for anyone but us to hear it.

Torches (A Foster The People Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora