Cubbie Spills His Feelings

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Okay, let's do this. I thought to myself as Cubbie and I pulled the guys from the car. They moaned in protest as we dragged them to their hotel room. All four of them went to their beds and passed out. I let myself fall onto the couch and sighed out of sheer exhaustion as Cubbie stood over me and chuckled.

"What? What's so funny?" I asked defensively.

"Nothing! Move over!"

"But I guess this is my bed! Go sit on yours!" I whined.

"Yeah, this is your bed, but I'm paying for this room, so you have to follow my rules! Now move your feet so I can sit, you potato!" He tried to insult me, but that was obviously the best he could do.

"Potato? That's new." I chuckled.

"Seriously, move over, I make the rules here." He put his hands on his hips like an annoyed mother. "I'm paying, so move."

"You're paying for it? As in, you exclusively?" I asked, mocking him.

"Okay, fine! I'm not solely paying for it, but still!"

"No!" I smirked.

"Fine, I'm sitting on you." He shrugged and sat on my legs.

"Oh, my gosh, Cubbie! Move your butt, you're too heavy for my knees!"

"Oh, am I annoying you?" He leaned back and crossed his legs, obviously trying to look like he was comfortable.

"No, Cubbie, seriously move, I can feel my knee popping the wrong way."

"Now you know how I feel!" He laughed and slowly stood up.

I groaned and tried to move my aching knees from the straight position they had been in. "Ouch, they hurt now, thanks. I think you also nearly popped the stitches in my leg."

"Oh, go cry me a river." He smirked down at me. Then his face almost fell as if he had thought of something depressing.

"You gonna sit?" I asked, concerned about how he was feeling.

"Yeah." He sighed as he dropped down next to me, causing me to bounce a little.

"So, what's on your mind, Tough Guy?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence that had fallen over the two of us.

"Nothing, don't worry about it, it's nothing important." He tried to shake his head convincingly.

"That doesn't work on me as well as it works on the other guys, come on, spill it." I laughed, poking him in the arm, tempting him to talk about his feelings.

"I don't wanna talk about it!" Cubbie cried, trying to swat my hands away.

"No, spill it, please?" I pleaded as I began to poke his stomach, knowing that it annoyed him.

"Why? It's nothing!" Cubbie continued to protest and swat my hands away.

"Because, no matter how small it may seem to you, it will still bother you and you need to talk about it. Plus, I trusted you enough to spill all my secrets. All those things that I've said to you, to Mark, to Ponsi, to Isom, to Sean, everything I've ever said, was all a secret. I never told told anyone outside of my family, except for Sash and Will. But I trusted you guys enough to tell my secrets and I trusted y'all enough to keep them... and to protect me. I wasn't so sure about it at first, spilling my cards to people who don't know me and probably don't care about my story. But look at me now! Look at us now! We're friends, we actually care about each other, and that's a feeling I haven't felt in a long time." I blurted. I don't even know where all those words came from, they just flowed out of my mouth in an uncontrollable stream of truth.

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