The Days Before

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I glued my face to the window, watching hopefully as they closed the doors. There's no going back now, they're officially gone. I just hope that they remember me.

Keeping my face to the window, I thought I saw some kind of disturbance on that plane as the doors closed and the tunnel started to pull away. Furrowing my brow, I looked on, a hopeful spark burning brightly in my chest.

Then the plane was taxied toward its runway. I waved like a little girl with one hand braced against the window, but I highly doubt they could see me. Before I turned and the plane went out of sight, I wiped my eyes and held back the tears of saying goodbye. I turned and started walking away, my arms hugging my torso.

That's when an awful realization hit me, I didn't give them my number. How could I forget something like that? I panicked as that hopeful spark was doused with so much water, there was so way that it would ever light again.

I calmed myself and regained my grip on life before I continued walking toward the exits. I'm guessing I should text Drew now. I thought to myself as I sent him a quick text. Hey, can you come pick me up from the airport?

His reply was almost instant. Yeah, totally! Which airport?

Intercontinental, I'm at the international terminal, Terminal D.

Sounds good, I'll text you when I get there!

Thanks, I'll see you soon.

I picked up my stuff from the rental car and turned in its keys. I decided to go back into the main lobby of the airport and wait there.

Drew showed up about ten minutes later and picked me up. He walked into the lobby and found me sitting alone on one of the benches. "Hey! Here, let me get some of that stuff for you." He smiled as he took the garbage sack with my dress in it and I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled shyly and followed him out to his car.

"Anytime, so what's up?"

"Nothing really, just saw my friends leave me for a long time. So, uh, what do you want to do?"

"Let's catch a movie!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I smiled as we got in his car and drove to the theater that was close to my house.

We got there and decided to watch one of those cheesy horror movies that are never scary. The two of us were the only ones in the theater who laughed throughout the movie, everyone else was too busy peeing themselves because they were so scared of things that weren't scary at all.

Drew and I got out of the theater and went with the flow of people. "So, what do you want to do now?" I asked as he pulled me to the side, before we left the side hallways and went back out into the main lobby.

"We could get more popcorn and watch another movie?" He suggested as he shrugged. "I don't know, it was just a suggestion." He added and looked down at his shoes.

"No, let's do it! That sounds like fun!" I laughed and grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the snack counter that was at the corner of the hallways.

We bought our food and started to walk toward the ticket booths again. "Wait, not so fast." Drew grabbed my hand and pulled me back so that I was even with him.

"What? What's the matter?"

"We don't have to pay, let's just go into one of these theaters and see a movie."

"Good idea!" I smiled and he dragged me into a random theater.

"I don't know what's playing, but it can't be that bad."

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