The Short Reuinion

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He and I stared at each other for a long while, my heart was slowly speeding up, sending the color back to my face. "Um, sir? May I help you?" Mrs. Young asked as she nervously approached him.

The man ignored her, his blue eyes boring into mine. Our gazes were locked and neither of us has the guts to break it, or even move. We were both statues, frozen in time, waiting for the other to make a move.

"Um, sir?" Young asked again.

"Mrs. Young, don't worry about this guy," I finally took my eyes away from him and turned to face her. "He's harmless, but I have to talk to him out in the hallway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, he's practically family." I replied as I stood up and ran out the door and tackled him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his long arms around me and held me close as a few tears of happiness escaped from the corners of my eyes.

"Cubbie..." I muttered into his shoulder.

"Hey." He smiled as he pulled me off of him. "Wait, is that..." He started as he pointed at my shirt and giving me a confused expression, I gave him a cold stare and he stopped, midsentence. "Well, now I know where it's been!"

"I hope you don't mind..." I blushed as I looked down at myself, suddenly embarrassed and really self-conscious about how I had dressed today.

"No, you're fine. I like your sense of style, though." He laughed as I felt even more heat rush to my face.

"Eh hem." I heard Young clear her throat behind me.

Turning around to face her, I took a deep breath to clear all the emotions bubbling up from the deepest portions of my heart and smiled warmly at her. "Oh, sorry, um, can I get out of class?" I asked out front, she liked me enough to let me doing pretty much anything in her class, so she probably would let me out of class.

"Not until you tell me who this man is." She stood her ground and folded her arms across her chest.

"Um, well... Come out in the hallway and I'll tell you." I replied quietly, nervously looking around the room at the other students, who were all talking to each other, ignoring everything that was happening out here.

"Okay." She smiled knowingly and walked out into the hallway. Cubbie and I stood in the doorway looking at each other.

"Um, why'd she smile like that..." Cubbie whispered, worry creeping into his voice.

"I honestly don't know, I don't pay a whole lot of attention in this class..." I admitted.

"WHAT?" He yell-whispered back.

"Hey, I have a high A in this class, I think I'm good." I snapped back, still keeping my voice down.

"Oh, well... Uh, good job?" He replied, a little confused. "Um, what class is this?"

"Spanish, why?"

"Nothing, just wondering." He smiled back.

I returned his smile, I missed this. I missed talking to Cubbie, being able to tell him anything, just like I'd be able to with my actual dad. A pang of grief stabbed through me as I thought of Dad. I missed him so much and I thought of all the things he would miss. My high school graduation, my college graduation, my prom dances when I'm a junior and a senior, my wedding... Oh my god he was supposed to walk me down the aisle. Who's going to do that for me now? I thought in a panic as I noticed that Cubbie was looking down at me suspiciously.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Oh nothing, tell me later, we need to talk to your teacher right now." He smirked and grabbed my arm.

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