Mall Problems

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I hit shuffle on my iPod and cringed away from the sound as the music blasted through my earbuds. But, I didn't change the song, I couldn't bring myself to hit the skip button as I walked through the cool October air towards my car. So I continued listening to the song, humming along sadly as it brought back amazingly sad memories. "I'd do anything for you." Mark's high falsetto voice belted out of my earbuds as I finally reached my car at the other end of the school's parking lot. Opening my car door, I collapsed into the hard seat just as tears began to leak from my eyes. I couldn't hold it in any longer, my dam had broken open and the water was beginning to rush out.

It's been three days since the guys left and they haven't tried to talk to me since that day at the airport and the day after, now they haven't tried to contact me since. But it's not like anything has happened, only my sixteenth birthday. I wasn't a big deal, only Will, Sash, and my siblings even came over to celebrate it, so we just sat there and played truth or dare, the original kind, since we didn't really want to play the Texas Edition in front of Jakob and Jess, they weren't old enough yet.

I sat in my car, remembering all of the good times and halfway reading the message board on our school's sign as it scrolled through the important events. My heart took a nose-dive to my feet as I saw the reminder for homecoming next week, I'd forgotten all about it. I probably wasn't even going to go, no one was going to go with me, and Sash wasn't going either... Oh wait... I think she's going with Will. I'm trying to help Will build up the guts to ask her out.

Finally, after about ten minutes of sitting in my truck, I skipped I Would Do Anything For You, which had somehow ended up on repeat, and drove off. Sighing deeply, I wearily looked towards my iPod again as the next song came on. I squeezed my eyes shut as Mark's smooth voice sang the opening for Miss You, fate obviously wanted to see me suffer in their absence. Tears once again welled up behind my eyes and fell freely down my face as I threw out my earbuds and let them fall freely down to my feet. I hung my head in shame as I pulled to a stop at a red light as I thought, yet again, of my guys and how they were doing. I should probably check in on their Instagram and Twitter and see what they're doing. I thought to myself as the light finally turned green. The thought of even checking their Twitters made hot tears drip down my face, blurring my vision as I frantically tried to dry my eyes on the sleeve of my jacket.

I finally made it home around thirty minutes later, pulled into my driveway, and just sat there. I didn't get out, I sat there with my hands still on the wheel as I stared straight ahead into the garage for about ten minutes before I began to straighten myself out. I climbed out of the cab of my truck, after pulling my backpack out of the passenger's seat, and shuffled to the door. Opening it, I heard a yell from the other side. "Ouch!" I threw myself in the house and was met by Connor holding his nose.

"Connor! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I asked as he pulled his hand away from his nose, little drops of blood dripped down his face from his nose.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, the door just hit my nose."

"Why were you at the door? Were you waiting for me to get home?"

"Yes I was, but that's not why I was at the door."

"Why were you there?"

"Well, I heard you pull up and then you didn't come inside, so I thought I'd go help you with your stuff, plus we need to go back into town."

"What? Why? What about Jakob and Jess? We still need to pick them up from school."

"Oh, they're spending the night with a friend tonight, so we don't need to pick them up."

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