Jail Times

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The cops led me out the doors and to a waiting radio car. Crap, this isn't good, Connor won't know what's happened to me! My mind kept playing scenes in my head about what'd he do if I didn't come home tonight as the officers stuffed me into the hard backseat behind cold, black steel bars. I couldn't help but get some shivers sent down the length of my spine as I thought of all the dangerous criminals that had sat in this seat before me to be delivered to the station for holding and questioning.

They threw me into a holding cell alone so I could sit there in loneliness and suffer from lack of human contact. I sat there twiddling my thumbs, going mad, as the guards yelled various insults at me.

After thirty minutes of sitting here doing nothing, the doors suddenly were flung open and another girl was pushed into the cell with me. She stumbled in and straightened herself up, looked at me with her shocked, dark brown eyes, her dark brown hair pulled up in a ponytail swished around as she looked around at the holding cell.

"Um, hi?" She laughed as she took a seat on the bench across from me.

I smiled back at her. "Uh, hi!"

"I'm Susan." She extended her hand towards me in greeting.

Shaking it, I replied. "That's a really cool name! I'm Calliegh, but you can call me Cal."

"Nice name."

"Thanks." I chuckled.

"So, uh, why are you here?" Susan asked.

"Oh, I'm in for 'assault'" I replied, air quoting assault.

"That's hard core, man!"

"Yeah, really I was just trying to get my revenge on this guy, he uh... Well, it's a long story."

"No! You can tell me... Wait. Are you... that Calliegh?" Susan hesitated, squinting as if to get a better look at me. It was weird, I was sitting about three feet away from her, but people are weird sometimes.

"Yeah, I am. Calliegh Martin story?" I sighed and rolled my eyes, I was starting to get tired of hearing all about my own life.

"Totally! You were all over the news! The only thing no one knows about is who those guys that saved you were. Many people have come forward claiming they saved you, but no one's story has checked out."

Laughing, I thought about how no one would probably ever figure out who it really was. Well, unless they made the connection through Twitter from that picture of me, but that was really unlikely. "No one will ever figure it out." I laughed and shook my head.


"Yeah, no one will ever know."

"Will you tell me?"

"No, I've agreed with the guys who saved me not to talk about them saving me."

"Awe, that's no fun!"

"No, I see where they're coming from on the subject."

"Okay, I guess I have to respect y'all's decision."

"Yes, Susan. Yes, you do." I laughed.

"Don't be such a smart-aleck." She scrunched her nose and forehead in response.

"So, where do you go to school?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I actually just moved here, I'm going to go to the high school in the next town over, it's about an hour, maybe, from here."

"What?! No way!"


"We'll go to the same school!"

Torches (A Foster The People Fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora