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I had a dream that night and it was about the guys, but it wasn't a nightmare. Actually, it started out as one of the best dreams I had ever had.

It took place sometime in the future, I was sitting in a room with two little kids, a boy and a girl, they looked to be about seven or eight, they were close in age. They were both dead adorable as they played with each other, but then they both turned to me and tilted their heads slightly to the side as if something had confused them.

That's when I first became aware of the weight that was hanging on my chest. It felt so heart crushingly huge that I knew something awful had happened. I'm not sure that I want to know what was making me feel this bad.

"Calliegh, please cheer up!" The little girl whined.

"Yeah, please feel better! We're here to help!" The boy whined.

"Thanks, guys, but I'm just going through a really hard time right now, and I really wish I could feel better, but I seem to be stuck in a hole." I muttered and felt the heavy weight on my chest increase.

"But Daddy always says that we have to make you feel better. He says that you shouldn't be so sad all the time." The boy crawled into my lap and snuggled against me.

That's when I got my first good look at the kid, and I immediately knew that he was, in fact, Cubbie's son. That kid looked just like Cubbie, the same blue eyes and dark hair, the same facial structure, hell, he even was trying to make me feel better like Cubbie would!

"Did your daddy really say that?" I asked, looking at the little girl.

"Yeah, he says you went through too much when you were a kid and he doesn't want you to be sad anymore." She smiled innocently up at me as I held her brother close.

"It's true, he says that to us all the time." The boy added.

I felt my heart melt into a million pieces, if these really were Cubbie's kids, that means their dad really does care for me. This is all just too much for me to handle right now.

Before I could even think about anything else, the door to the room I was in was busted down. I involuntarily flinched, my door getting busted down is always something that meant trouble. But that was not the case here, because Cubbie came in. I definitely knew this was in the future now, he looked a little older, maybe mid to late-thirties, and he had the kindest smile plastered on his face as he dropped himself down next to me.

"Daddy!" The girl crawled over to Cubbie and snuggled into his chest. That was when my heart melted and I felt myself die a little on the inside, that was the most adorable thing I had ever seen.

"Hey, Princess." Cubbie smiled and hugged her back before looking down at me. I guess Dream Me is still shorter than him. "How's my Wonder Woman doing?"

Awe, he still calls me Wonder Woman! My thoughts squeaked as I turned to him and felt that weight again. "I guess I'm doing okay, I just can't believe it happened." Those words just slipped out of my mouth. Okay, I seriously want to know what happened and what has me so torn up.

"I know, it's tough, I just can't believe we're going to have to go through crap again."


"Daddy? What's wrong?" The little boy in my arms crawled into Cubbie's lap too.

"You know what? This is a grown up discussion, you guys are still too young to hear about this."

"But-" The boy tried to argue.

"No buts." Cubbie said sternly.

Dream Me picked up on what Cubbie was doing. "Come on, y'all should get some sleep we've been playing all day."

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