Nightmares and Goodbyes

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Morning finally came and Cubbie and I had the task of waking up the sleeping beauties. After thirty minutes of trying, and failing, to wake them up, Sean and Isom were the only ones who had responded.

Cubbie and Isom left to get breakfast while Sean and I were left to wake Mark and Ponsi. "Sean, how are we going to do this?"

"Good question. It's like we're trying to wake bears, they'll kill us if we succeed, but we'll miss our flight if we don't. Not that I'd mind having that happen..."

"But you've got fans to please! What'll they think if you don't show up for your concerts, or even have to cancel some? Because I know I'd be pissed if I were them." I muttered harsher than I had originally planned.

Sean moaned and collapsed on top of Ponsi, who startled awake. "OH, MY GOD! WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL?" He cried as he shoved Sean onto the floor, Sean made an adorable little squeak as he landed. I tried, and failed, to contain my laughter at the sight.

"Not funny, Cal!" Sean hissed as he picked himself up.

"Actually, it was. And I thought Ponsi was getting crushed by an elephant!" I giggled as Ponsi rubbed his temples. "Hangover?"

"Yeah, but it's not too bad. My headache will eventually go away."

"You guys need to feel better by later!" I collapsed on a chair, still facing Sean and Ponsi.

"We will, we have our ways." Sean smirked at Ponsi, who nodded in agreement. I'm not sure that I wanted to know what those ways were, judging on how they were looking at each other.

Sean looked back toward Mark and groaned. "I guess we should get the old Sass Master up, he's going to be the worst." We all turned our attentions towards the passed out singer.

After seventeen failed attempts, the three of us gave up and shuffled to the couch. Sighing, I broke the silence, "Guys, this is hard. What are we going to do?"

"Good question." Ponsi muttered as he dropped his head onto my shoulder.

"Come on, Ponsi, you've gotta get up!" He groaned, but followed my orders.

Ten minutes passed in silence until Cubbie and Isom walked in with the food. "At least you got Ponsi up!" Isom chuckled as they put the food down on the counter.

I got up to get some, I was hungry and I hadn't eaten since six o'clock last night. But Isom blocked my way, he would step in front of me no matter where I tried to step. "Come on, Isom! Let me get food!" I whined as he stood his ground.

"No! No one eats until Mark gets up, I'm serious. He needs to get up so we can see how bad his hangover is going to be."

Sighing, I took another tired glance over at Mark, who hasn't moved an inch. How am I going to do this? I thought to myself as I approached him. I looked back over my shoulder and plastered a pleading expression on my face. "Anyone want to help me? Anyone?" They looked at each other like I was yelling at them in German. Obviously, they didn't want any food. "Okay, I see how it is. I guess y'all don't want food..."

"FINE!" Isom sighed heavily and shuffled over to help me, followed by Ponsi and Sean, while Cubbie stayed back.

"Cubbie? Don't want to help?" Sean smirked at him.

"No, I'm sitting this one out, you guys go ahead and knock yourselves out. Well, not literally..."

"Okay, Old Man. No need to explain yourself." Ponsi chuckled as Cubbie shot him daggers. He then looked over at me, his expression almost questioning me.

Was he really that desperate for them not to know about his kid? Geez, get a grip, Cubbie! That's just their nickname for you...

"What?" I asked, trying to say that I hadn't told them anything.

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