Finding A New Manager

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I was torn up on the inside, ever since we got back to LA, it's been so boring compared to everything that happened in that little Houston suburb with Cal. I longed to go back and see her again, but I knew that would be impossible since that stupid Josh guy already booked us for another long tour, only this time, it was a world tour.

After Mark had fired Josh, we had left him in the airport to think about how he's treated us. I walked sullenly back to my car to make the drive back to my house. The drive took about two hours, there was so much traffic in downtown! When I finally got home, I was greeted by my dogs and my sister.

"Hey, Mark!"

"Oh, hey, Rebecca, how's life been going?"

"Pretty good, how was the tour?"

"It was really good, Houston was really fun."

"Oh, right. You stayed there for like two weeks right?"

"Yeah, we met this really cool fan at our concert. We gave her and her two brothers backstage passes so they could meet us."

"That's really nice of you! But, why'd you do it?"

I could feel my face drop little bit, I was going to have to explain to her what happened... This was not going to be fun. I took a deep breath and explained everything to her, not leaving out a single detail. When I had finished, her face was slack with shock. She went toward the living room and sat down in a chair, with me following close behind.

"I know, it's harsh, right?" I sat down in the chair across from her.

"Yeah, and she's only sixteen?"

I nodded.

"She's going to have a hard life. Don't forget about her, keep in touch with her. Not speaking to her would be one of the worst things you could do."

"I know, I've gotten her Twitter and Instagram, I plan on keeping on touch with her."

"Did you happen to get her phone number?"

I slapped myself in the forehead, I hadn't thought of that. "No, I didn't even think about that."

"Well, how are you going to communicate with her?"

"By commenting...duh."

"Mark, don't you think people will start criticizing you and getting suspicious if you guys do that?"

I was silent, she was right. I hadn't even began thinking about what people would start saying if this suddenly happened, and the word got out. "Rebecca, what should we do if we can't do that?"

"There's nothing you can do but hope that you and the guys meet her again one day."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I am." She smirked. I gave her a "are-you-serious-right-now" look and she buckled. "Okay fine, would it make you feel better if I went out and bought doughnuts with you?"

"How can I say no to donuts?"

She laughed as we walked back out to the car.


I got back to my apartment after about thirty minutes of driving through downtown, and I was an emotional wreck. I didn't know what to do, everything was going to seem dull and colorless after having spent that much time with such a happy person.

Throwing my bags down and slouching on my bed, I laid back and stared up at my ceiling for a long while before I got a call from Ponsi.

"Hey, Ponsi, what's up?"

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