Chapter 1: Percy Jackson

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It was a Friday afternoon. Annabeth had finished my finals, and to celebrate, I was taking her out. "Nothing special, I need to start revising." She said as we were walking down the street. "What for?" I asked, swinging my arm around he shoulders. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "For the next finals, Seaweed Brain." "Isn't that next year?" She laughed, leaving me feeling stupid.

We rounded corner, coming across the Empire State Building. Annabeth looked up, admiring the architecture. "You want to go up, again?" I asked, noticing her expression. She shrugged. "The gods are probably busy. I'm not sure it's a good idea to walk around Olympus looking at the designs." Though she denied my offer, I pulled her into the lobby anyway.

We ran up to the front desk. "Six hundredth floor, please." Annabeth said quietly. The guy looked up from reading his magazine. "You two again." He grumbled. "What'd you do this time?" I flashed him a look. "Ok, just because we came here doesn't mean the world's going to end. Wise Girl just wanted to see the architecture." The lobby guy looked at us, then sighed. "I don't get paid enough for these things," he muttered. "Go ahead."

We jogged to the elevator. I pressed the button, bracing myself for the terrible music. But when the elevator came, it was different. The car was more of a caged box, wires woven into a cube shape. There were boxes of supplies in the elevator, each stamped with a brand; W.I.C.K.E.D. Annabeth regarded the elevator car with worry. "Wonder why they changed it," she mused. "It's ok, let's just go. I'm mean, how bad could it be?"

We walked inside the elevator car. Right away, the door shut, plunging us into darkness. "What's going on?" Annabeth asked, her voice laced with panic. "Here," I said, groping for her hand. With a jolt, the box started moving up; Fast. Much faster than any other elevator I'd ridden.

I stumbled as the box swayed, knocking me off my feet, still holding on to Annabeth's hand. She lost her balance as the car bounced. She fell on top of me, and there was an awkward second of silence. "Sorry," she muttered, getting up. Immediately, the unsteady car jumped and jolted, knocking her back down. Her head collided painfully with the floor. "Annabeth?" I crawled over to her limp body. "Annabeth?" I called again, trying to shake her awake. Still nothing.

The box continued to shoot upwards, gaining speed with each passing second. Annabeth didn't move. When the box bounced again, I looked up. We were reaching the top, still with increasing speed. Panicking, I dragged Annabeth's unconscious form to the corner of the box, hoping to shield her from whatever lay above.

With one last rattle, the box jolted to a stop. Outside, I could hear an alarm blaring while confused voices overlapped each other. Suddenly, the alarm and voices stopped. I tensed as two panels opened above me, letting light into the box. I raised my hand to shield my eyes, looking at the people surrounding us. It was a group of about 50 teenage boys, all curiously looking down at us. There was one girl, trying to push her way to the front.

A guy came forward, jumping down into the box. I steadied myself as the cage rattled. He was tall, built muscularly, and had sandy blonde hair. As his feet hit the ground, I noticed his left leg give out slightly; A limp. The boy smiled. "Nice to meet you, Greenie." He said. I couldn't decide where his accent was from.... Behind me, Annabeth stirred. The guy's gaze travelled toward her, his expression one of shock.

Instantly, I had Riptide out and against the guy's neck. Ignoring the shouts of surprise and shock, I looked the boy straight in the eye. "First things first, don't touch my girlfriend. Second, who are you people? Where are we?" I asked, my voice steady. "I would love to answer, but I can't think straight with a sword cutting into the neck." The other guy said. Reluctantly, I chucked Riptide out of the box, sending it sailing into the crowd of boys above.

There were more shouts and comments; I hoped Riptide was able to hit someone. Satisfied, the other boy spoke. "My name is Newt, and this," he gestured around us. "this is the Glade. It's a big, well, a big glade, at the center of an ever-changing death trap of a maze." I wasn't satisfied. "Anything else?" I probed.

But Newt wanted some answers for himself. "What's your name, Greenie?" He asked, ignoring my last comment. I sighed, frustrated. "Percy Jackson. That's Annabeth Chase, my girlfriend." I said, jerking a thumb over my shoulder. Whispers filled the air. Newt raised an eyebrow. "Girlfriend?" He asked. "That's what I just said, weren't you listening?" The whispers increased.

"What?" I snapped at the crowd. They fell silent. I turned to Newt. "What is it?" He wore a puzzled expression. "No one here knows who they were." He started slowly. "We all woke up here, in the Box, all our memories wiped, leaving us with only our names. And then you come along. You remember everything, and there two of you. The Box's never sent us two Greenies at once."

More whispers. I was getting really tired of those. I heard a groan behind me. I dropped to Annabeth's side as her gray eyes fluttered open. "Where are we?" She asked groggily. "Definitely not on Olympus, that's for sure." I muttered, helping her up.

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