Chapter 10: Percy Jackson

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Another unearthly shriek sounded across the Glade. I reached in my pocket, bringing out a silver ballpoint pen. Beside my, Annabeth grasped her dagger.

"What do you mean, 'the stuff that comes out of Tartarus?'" Minho asked, looking around nervously.

"All that stuff you mentioned? Hellhounds and Medusa and all that? That's real. All of it. All the stories are true. You're going to have to fight for your lives because these things are worse than Grievers." Annabeth answered, starting for the door.

"Whoa, wait!" Gally stood up. I shot him a glare.

"What?" I snapped. "You're friends could be dying out there. So grab a weapon, man up, get out there, and fight like your life depends on it. Because it does."

He gaped at me, unsure of what to say. He blinked once, twice, then continued. "If those killing machines are loose in the Glade, wouldn't it be better, smarter, to barricade everyone here?"

Annabeth gave him a disgusted look. "I know Aphrodite kids with more guts than you." She muttered, leaving the room.

Gally stared at the place where she'd left. "Whatever," he muttered, handling a long knife. All eyes were on him as he walked out the door.

"He's going to take one look at those things and come back screaming." I said matter-of-factly. We waited in silence for two seconds. Another scream sounded.

Gally came running back into the room, panting. "Told you so," I smirked. Not waiting for a response, I uncapped my pen. Riptide shot to full form, its Celestial bronze blade gleaming.

"I swear, how does that pen keep coming back to you?" Thomas asked. I gave a small shrug.

"Magic. Nothing special."

And I ran into the Glade, scanning the area for Annabeth. My heart fell as I saw some bodies lying near the Doors. There were only about four or five, but I knew it would mean the world to the Gladers. I hurriedly scanned the Glade, looking for a dagger wielding, judo flipping blonde. I spotted Annabeth by the forest, surrounded by snake-women.

I charged, decapitating the nearest dracaenae. She hissed, dissolving into fine yellow powder. Annabeth shot me a quick nod of thanks before going back to fighting. I met blades with another dracaena. Her slitted eyes burned bright with anger. The dracaena drove her blade toward me, aiming for my heart. I parried evenly, returning the strike. She swung again, and I dodged under her outstretched arm. I drove my sword into a chink in her armor, right above her waist. She let out a shriek before turning to dust.

I panted, looking for Annabeth. The only indicator of her ever being beside me were several piles of ashes, along with drcaenae blades.

I ran past several, smaller melees. I watched in pain as another boy went down. An empousa lunged, snarfing down his remains. I gagged, sprinting ahead. Suddenly, a hellhound lept in my path. I skidded to a stop. The creature was big, its shaggy fur dark as midnight. The giant dog was terrifying, scaring away the nearest daemons. Yes, it was a hellhound; My hellhound.

"Mrs. O'Leary!" I looked up at her in surprise. She barked happily, chased her tail a few times to show it who's boss, was sat down on a Stymphalian bird. The bird screeched before being crushed by the hellhound's underside. Confused, Mrs. O'Leary sat up, looking around. All I saw under her ginormous paws was a cluster of yellow ashes.

"Good job, girl," I cooed, rubbing behind her ear. Mrs. O'Leary barked again. She crouched, waiting for me to get on. I clambered onto her back, trying to keep steady. I whistled, and she was off like a shot, looking for Annabeth.

While we rode, I sliced Stymphailan birds out of the sky, even hurling Riptide like a javalin at bigger threats, like cyclopes. I watched as a giant, one-eyed monster grunted in pain as Riptide's blade ripped through his chest. I suddenly felt remorseful, then scolded myself, remembering that it wasn't Tyson.

"Woof!" Mrs. O'Leary barked, sprinting towards the Doors. I looked at where she was headed. Annabeth was battling two Earthborn at once. Both around seven feet tall, the Earthborn were six-armed monstrosities that could generate large and surprisingly sharp rocks from their hands. Looking down south, they only wore a loincloth. When we reached Annabeth, I slid off Mrs. O'Leary's back, landing lightly on my feet, taking the Earthborn furthest from Annabeth.

"Hey!" I yelled, uncapping Riptide for the umpteenth time, slashing the bronze blade across one of the monster's arms. A gash opened up. At least, I'm pretty sure, since he looked like a giant clay stature. The earth giant roared at me, and before I knew it, a sharp looking stalagmite was slicing through the air, right towards my face.

I rolled to the side, feeling the large rock miss me by centimeters. In the seconds I was distracted, the Earthborn had another rock ready in his hand. I quickly got back to my feet, only to have a small boulder the size of a basketball hurled into my stomach.

Let me just take a moment to tell you how bad that felt:


Hang on.


Sorry, still trying to ignore the screaming pain coming from my stomach.


Still in too much pain to think clearly.


Almost done blinking the spots out of my vision, just give me a second.


Aaaaaaaaand, okay.

That thing hurt like a boulder being thrown into my stomach. If you don't know what that feels like, allow me to explain:


Yeah, it felt something like that.

Before I blacked out completely, I heard a howl of pain coming from the Earthborn. In seconds, the worried face of a blonde girl stared down at me.

"Seaweed Brain, don't you dare do anything like that ever again." Annabeth muttered.

I tried to respond, but the black spots became more vivid, dancing around and making it harder to concentrate. The edges of my vision were tinged with black, and the world went dark.

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