Chapter 24: Augustus Waters

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"Run!" Katniss shouted. "Tris, Tobias, get Hazel and Augustus out of here. I'll cover you." She assured us, nocking an arrow. She stood still, aiming at the forest behind us. "GO!"

"Let's go!" Tobias called, following her orders. He ushered me and Hazel forward. "Let's go, we need to move, now!"

"Come on," I muttered, picking up Hazel's oxygen tank. She nodded, almost stumbling as we ran. Tobias was in front of us, his gun out. Tris was beside Hazel, helping her run. I panted, looking straight ahead, trying to keep up with Tobias. I ran faster.

After a few seconds, I could see the forest thinning out, the trees growing further apart, the leafy canopy not as dense; we were almost out of the woods. Then I heard it.

A long howl, an animal's cry piercing the night. Several more followed; it sounded like a whole pack. There was a gunshot from behind us, and I heard one of the... the wolves cry out.

"Peeta, go!" I heard Katniss's distant shriek from behind us. I blanched with worry; had they sacrificed themselves... for us?

I'm going to die, anyway. I'm going to die. I've always known that... so why do I feel so scared?

I spared a glance behind me. "Keep moving!" Tris said, panting. I looked back ahead, to see that we had reached... the desert?

It was like Katniss had described it from before; the desert was beside the forest, beside us. This is impossible. It has to be. But then again... so many things had happened in the past few hours alone I didn't know what to think anymore.

We broke free of the trees. I stumbled, trying to keep running on the sand. Beside me, Hazel was panting, trying to keep her footing in the sand. Seeing as we were out of the forest, I slowed down to a faster-paced job. I panted, heaving breaths. Finally, I stopped, placing Hazel's oxygen tank on the ground next to me.

"Tobias!" Tris called. He turned around and jogged back to us.

"What's wrong?" Tobias asked hurriedly. "We need to keep moving." He glanced at the forest behind us, a sad look flashing behind his otherwise-barren eyes. "Katniss and Peeta are probably already gone, we need to keep going."

"No," Hazel panted heavily. "I... I can't... I need to rest."

"Me too," I mumbled, sitting down in the sand. Hazel did likewise.

Tris was silent for a moment. "One minute." She said finally, also taking a seat. Tobias sighed and shook his head, but he, too, obliged.

Then the howling resumed.

Tobias cursed under his breath, standing up. He took out his gun, aiming it at the forest. I stood up suddenly, helping Hazel to her feet.

"Behind me," Tris muttered, swiftly positioning herself between us and the forest. She cocked her gun, her eyes steely.

Two figures emerged from the trees. It was dark, so I couldn't make out what they were.

There was a click sound as Tobias cocked his gun.

"Don't shoot!" One of the figures called. With a start, I realized it was Katniss. They're alive...

We waited a few seconds while they sprinted up to us. They were panting, out of breath. Katniss's wound was open, the tourniquet discarded somewhere in the forest; she was wincing. "Did you kill all of them?" Hazel asked worriedly.

Peeta shook his head. "We only got about five." He panted. "There's more coming. We set up a trap to hold them but--"


Peeta nodded. "Yep, there it is." He aimed his gun--the one Tobias had given him--at the forest. Katniss knocked her bow; I noticed that she was nearly out of arrows. The howling got louder, closer, sending a wave of terror through my body. Then they broke through the forest.

One, two, three... I counted fourtee wolves. Each one of them were about the size of two school desks, and I could see their razor-sharp claws glinting in the moonlight from here. I gulped.

The creatures howled again, turning their eyes on us. I fully expected Tobias to start yelling at us to move, but he stood his ground. So did the others; they were planning on killing them all.

The first wolf started running at us, and I swear I could make out its bloodthirsty look, even from a kilometer away. "They'll be within accurate shooting range in fifteen seconds." Katniss said softly, thought loud enough for all of us to hear. "On my signal."

I felt for Hazel's hand, twining her fingers through mine. I didn't need to see her face to know she was worried, terrified.

"If all fourteen of them will be in accurate shooting range, doesn't that mean they'll be on us in a second?" I asked, considering all the options.

"Not if we kill them all in one go." Tobias said, standing his ground. I could see his gun hand waver slightly; he was worried.

"Will you kill them all in one go?" I asked. He looked at me, but didn't say anything.

That's all the answer I need.

I gave him a look. Tobias's eyes widened slightly, but he understood. He nodded, then quietly passed the information along to the others.

I let go of Hazel's hand, turning to face her. Her green eyes reflected worry. I pulled her into a hug. She stiffened at first, then relaxed, hugging me back. "What's going to happen?" She whispered to me.

"You're going to live." I whispered back. Slowly, I let go. Her eyes were wide, her lips parted slightly. Without thinking, I kissed her.

Her lips brushed against my own, gently, delicately, like an angel's breath. I could feel the warmth of her skin. I could taste her strawberry lip gloss. I held her close to me, not wanting to let go. It only lasted a second or two, but it was like a lifetime of bliss.

And then it was over. I pulled away, a sad smile gracing my lips. Hazel stared at me, a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "What was that for?" She asked quietly.

"I love you," I whispered. "Okay, Hazel Grace?"

Her eyes shimmered before she responded. "Okay."

I looked at Tobias. "How many seconds can I give you?"


"Okay." I looked at the approaching horde of wolves. I let go of Hazel's hand and started walking to where Katniss stood.

"Wait," Hazel called quietly. I felt her hand brush against mine, but I didn't look back. "Gus? GUS!"

I didn't look back.

"Are you sure?" Katniss asked, not taking her eyes off the wolves; they were close, close enough for me to see their teeth.

I nodded, swallowing whatever feelings of hesitation I had. "Yeah. Just tell me when."

She didn't say anything.

Behind me, I could hear Hazel calling out, calling my name; I didn't look back. I didn't want to. I couldn't bear to see her, not now,

Please, let it be quick. Painless. Like falling asleep. Please... let her live.


I heard the command.

I ran.

Towards the wolves.

I'm going to die, anyway. I'm going to die. I've always known that... but this time, I'm not scared.

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Especially for this chapter, comments would be much appreciated.

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