Chapter 23: Ginny Weasley

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I touched down on the rocky area, staring at the cave.

It wasn't too big, just enough room to spare for the eight of us to stay. It provided enough protection from the cold, and there was enough room to start a fire without the cave filling up with smoke. There wasn't much foliage, and no sign of water. It doesn't matter, I slid off my broom. We can make some.

Ron landed next to me, on my right. "This is the best we can do, yeah?"

I nodded. "I guess." I started walking towards the cave. I propped my broom up against the rough stone wall, running my hand along the rocky enclosure. I sighed as Harry came up to my side.

"Let's get to work then?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yeah." I took out my wand and walked to the mouth of the cave. I knelt down, drawing a line in the gravel across the opening on the cave.

"What are you doing?" I looked up to see Isabelle, wearing a confused expression.

"Protecting us, just in case." I answered dully. "Make sure your friends are inside the cave. Just leave your brooms against the wall." I stood up and aimed my wand at the line. "Protego totalum."

"Salvio hexia." Harry continued.

"Muffiliato." Ron added, joining in.

"Repello muggletum."

"Cave inimicum." Hermione finished.

Pure blue light fell from the roof, like a waterfall cascading in the opening of the cave. It rippled, then faded.

"What was that?" Jace asked skeptically.

"We still don't know where we are, how we got here, or who--or what--else is here." Hermione said, stowing away her wand. "It's just a precaution."

Jace shrugged, finding a place to sit, against the wall. "If your hocus-pocus magic can't hold up, I think we're capable of killing anything that comes our way." He said.

Roan opened his mouth to start bickering, and I rolled my eyes. I slunk off toward the mouth of the cave, staring at the landscape below:

When we had seen what the terrain had looked like, Hermone had fallen silent in thought, and had stayed that way the rest of the flight up. I still didn't know how in the world it was possible.

There were five sectors in total; the mountains, grassy plains, a desert, a forest, and an ocean. All the sectors were connected, and from where I could see, formed a huge circle. It was impossible... and yet it was here.

I started walking outside the cave, feeling a slight cold wave as I walked through the barrier. I looked behind me; the cave was gone. I nodded to myself, and continued, jumping down a rock.


I stopped and turned around. The brunette girl--Isabelle--was following me. "Where are you going?" She asked.

"To hunt for food." I answered plainly. "We're going to need some and I don't reckon the others are going to be of up help if they intend on bickering for much longer." I continued walking.

"I'll come with." I sensed Isabelle following behind me. "I'm going to lose my mind if I stay cooped up in that cave for the rest of the night." She said, jumping down a few rocks. She matched my pace. "So I'm coming with you."

I shrugged, "Okay," and fell silent.

==== ====

We had been walking for a while, in silence. It wasn't awkward; there was a silent agreement that we didn't need to talk. The sun was quickly setting, making it harder to see.

Isabelle stopped. "There," she said quietly, pointing a little farther down the mountain.

I followed her gaze; there was a bighorn sheep.

"That looks like it would be enough to last us supper and breakfast." I whispered.

Isabelle nodded. "You wanna take the first shot?"

I smirked. "With pleasure." I took out my wand, aiming it at the ram. "Stupefy." I muttered. A beam of red light shot from the end of my wand, luminescent compared to the darkness around us... narrowly missing the ram.

I cursed under my breath, readying my wand again; this time, the ram noticed.

It looked right at us..

It bleated.

It stamped its hoof.

And then it charged.

"Go!" I shouted, shoving Isabelle out of the way. We fell to the side, narrowly avoiding being trampled to death by angry bighorn sheep.

The ram continued for a few feet, then slowed down. I got up, quickly brushing myself off. The ram looked at us, its beady eyes narrowing.

"You know, that thing could hit us with about eight hundred pounds of force, so now would be a pretty good time to use that wand of yours." Isabelle said hurriedly, eyeing the ram.

I readied my wand; the ram took it as a declaration of war.

"Stupefy." I shouted, aiming at best I could. The red light missed the ram, which charged at us once again. "Stupefy!" I repeated, firing again. My wand hand trembled, and I missed again.

I cursed under my breath, ready to try again. "Stupe--"

"Look out!" Isabelle pulled me aside, just as the ram ran right through where I had been standing. I let out a shriek of surprise, dropping my wand. It skitted away, vanishing in the dark. I gasped, standing up.

"Thanks." I gasped.

Isabelle shook her head. "Don't thank me yet." She glared at the ram as it turned around. Upon seeing that I was still breathing, it charged again, intent on turning my body into a bloody carcass filled with hoofprints.

I stood, frozen, not knowing what to do. I just lost my wand. As the ram neared, I shut my eyes tightly. Mum's going to kill me when I get back. Maybe she'll feel bad if my arm is a bloody stump.

But there was no impact.

I opened my eyes to see the ram on the rocky floor, struggling to breathe. My eyes widened as I saw Isabelle... suffocating the ram. Her... whip-thingee was out, and it was wrapped around the ram's neck. The ram writhed on the floor, kicking its hooves out in a desperate attempt to free itself. As the seconds passed, its movements became more sluggish.

Finally, it twitched, and stopped moving, its eyes glazing over.

Isabelle panted. She flicked her wrist, and the whip returned to a bracelet running up her arm. She looked at me, and I saw a sheer film of sweat glazing her forehead. "I think it's dead."

I laughed, a breathy, delirious laugh. "Yeah, I think it is." I responded, going up to the ram. I knelt down beside it, sliding my arms under its body. Isabelle joined me. "On three." I said. "One, two, three."

We lifted the ram; it was heavy, its horns alone weighing about thirty pounds. I panted as we walked back up the steep, rocky terrain, back to the cave, the darkness around us almost suffocating; there was almost no light. Only when we had reached the cave did Isabelle speak up.

"Didn't you drop your wand back there?"


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I would just like to say sorry to my (few) readers for only recently updating. It means a lot to me that people decide to read my works, out of all the other million books on this platform. So thanks, and please feel free to comment and vote, I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

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