Chapter 8: Jace Herondale

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It was like being squeezed through a tube. All I could see was endless black, stretching for miles around us. Something—an invisible force—squeezed around my chest, restricting the oxygen flowing through me. My heart beat wildly out of my chest. The darkness was suffocating, threatening to never let go.

And then it was over. I stood, blinking in the sunlight. We now stood in stood in the entryway of an abandoned church. Looking to my left, I saw Alec, gasping for air, as though he couldn't get enough. Isabelle looked as though she was trying hard not to throw up, her finger running along the cord of the whip snakes around her forearm. Clary was to my right, she looked shaken up, her face was ashen white. The kids from Scotland didn't seem fazed in he slightest.

"What the heck was that?" Alec spit out. "Apparition," Hermione responded coolly. "You're lucky I didn't let Ron do it or he would've left behind a finger or two." Alec gaped at her. "Where are we?" Clary asked, trying to break the tension. "It used to be a church, but after there were some accusations of necromancy being used nearby, it was abandoned." We stared at her. "Well you guys said you wanted to dispel demons, and this place is practically crawling with demonic activity. You want to have fun?" She gestured for the run down church. "Be my guest."

Clary looked at me, unsure. "They're right." Alec said. "I can feel the demons. They're here; And there's lots of them." 

Isabelle scoffed, unraveling her whip. "What kind of demons?" She asked. "Behemoth demons," I replied without missing a beat. Clary, who was twiddling her thumbs, looked up in surprise. Alec lowered his seraph blade, looking around nervously. Isabelle visibly paled, though she recomposed herself fairly quickly. "Well then," she said through gritted teeth, her gaze steely. "What are we waiting for?"

We began walking towards the abandoned church. I heard four sets of footsteps following. "You guys can't come." I said, not bothering to turn around.

"From the looks on your faces when you mentioned that demon, I'd say we could be of some help." Ginny argued. I rolled my eyes.

"Listen, wizard, we don't need your help." Alec said impatiently, rounding on their group. Ginny didn't flinch, standing her ground.

"Shouldn't a good Shadowhunter know how to compose themselves?" Ginny asked coolly. 

"What do you know about being a Shadowhunter?" Alec roared. 

No one saw Ginny's wand move, but its tip was suddenly pressed against Alec's chest. "Flipendo,"  Her lips barely moved.

There was a loud bang and Alec flew backwards. It seemed as though an invisible force had struck him, knocking the wind from his lungs in the process. Alec flew back about seven feet or so. He landed sprawling on his back, groaning. Isabelle ran to his side while I rounded on Ginny.

"What was that for?" I demanded, unsheating my seraph blade.

She turned her wand on me. "Levicorpus,"  And I was suspended midair, dangling upside down as though something had hoisted my up by my ankle. I squirmed around, feeling my face purple as the blood rushed to my head.

"Hey!" I turned to see Isabelle and Clary, both had their weapons at the ready; I didn't have a chance to warn them. Ginny pointed her wand at a pack of birds flying overhead, then redirected it at the two girls. "Oppugno."

The flock of bird suddenly changed course, dive-bombing downwards, towards Clary and Isabelle. Clary fumbled with her stele before drawing a symbol in front of her. The curved rune looked like a sickle, complete with three parallel lines and a rayed star. To hold against pursuit

The flock of birds came crashing down around the girls, but neither of them got hurt. Ginny readied her wand again, but Hermione spoke up.

"Okay, that's enough, Ginny." She said. Ginny sighed, then flicked her wand in the direction of the birds. They vanished. Clary plucked a stray feather out of her hair, watching it float to the ground. Isabelle ran to Alec, who was still lying on the ground.

"Ow," he murmured. Isabelle chuckled, pulling out her stele.

"I got it," Ginny muttered, walking over. 

"Oh, no you don't." Clary said defensively, walking over. Ginny rolled her eyes, aiming her wand to get a clear shot of Alec. "Episky," Ginny said. Alec groaned, opening his eyes. Isabelle sat him up as she began drawing an iratze rune. "I;m good, I'm good," he muttered. 

Ginny put her wand away, and Hermione coughed. "What?" Ginny asked. Hermione cast a pointed look at me. I waved. Ginny rolled her eyes. "Harry, what's the incantation, again?" She asked, pulling out her wand. "I've seemed to have forgotten."

"Oh, I don't know. I, too, have forgotten."

"My, what a shame. Well, I guess all that's left to do it leave him hanging."

"I agree."

"Stop it, you two." Hermione scowled. She flicked he wand in my direction. The invisible claw grasping my leg vanished, and I dropped to the ground.

"Thanks," I grumbled. I got to my feet, brushing the dirt off my clothes.

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Now will you guys at least let us help?" She asked, annoyed. Alec and Isabelle looked at each other. Clary shot me a questioning glance. I sighed.

"Fine." I muttered. The kids drew their wands, ready to advance. "Just make sure you don't get hurt. An iratze rune wouldn't work on you." I added.

"What's an iratze?" Ron asked.

"Something that would burn you to ashes." Alec said bluntly.

"Yeah, I think I'll stick to magic, thanks." Ron muttered under his breath. 

Just then, a gust of wind blew from the entrance of the church. Amid the sound of the breeze was a howl, like something dying.

"What was that?" Harry asked nervously. 

"That was a demon." Clary answered, drawing the rune for courage in combat. "Specifically a Behemoth demon."

Hermione looked as though she was about to ask another question, but was cut off by the sight of something behind us. "You mean that?" She asked, gesturing to the entrance of the church. I turned around, seeing a Behemoth demon. It was a formless monstrosity, much larger than a human, roughly oblong in shape and sporting a double row of teeth lining the length of its body. It had a ridged underside, not unlike a cockroach's. It quickly inched forward, making small chittering noises.

Isabelle backed up, hurriedly trying to finish the rune she was drawing, fumbling for her whip. The demon lunged, its teeth ready for another meal, when a streak of blue light flashed from the end of Ginny's wand, striking the demon. It flew backwards, crashing into the wall. Isabelle managed to get her whip ready, and with a nod of thanks to Ginny, started for the demon.

I started to follow her, but froze. There was another chittering sound coming from somewhere beside me. I turned, seeing another Behemoth demon. I heard Clary scream, and knew she'd found another.

We were surrounded.

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