Chapter 4: Annabeth Chase

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Percy helped me into a sitting position as whispers rang around us. I looked up, seeing a crowd of teenage boys looking down at us. "She's awake," I heard someone mutter. I glowered in their direction. I reached toward the sheath I kept on my thigh; My dagger was there. Percy noticed my expression. As inconspicuous as I could, I snuck my hand into Percy's pocket, reaching for Riptide. My fingers closed around the silver ballpoint pen and I withdrew my hand, slipping the pen into my own pocket. If Percy was confused, he didn't say anything.

"Hey, these people are nice....I think." He said. "Hey, were good people." A boy spoke up. He was standing inside the box with us. He looked about our age, and had a distinct British accent. "Name's Newt," he said, reaching his hand to help me up.

Narrowing my eyes, I took it, and Newt helped me to my feet. I pulled on his arm a bit to give me momentum.

Suddenly, I jerked his arm, twisting. Newt yelled as I judo flipped him. Unsheathing my dagger, I hoisted myself up the side of the box. There were cries and shouts of shock; I ignored them, turning to Percy. "Run,"

I stood up, brandishing my dagger at those closest. The backed away, leaving a tight circle of space for me.

"Hey," A voice complained. I looked down into the box, seeing Newt. He slowly got up, groaning. While everyone's attention was on Newt, I broke free of the crowd, pushing people out of the way. I bolted, running for a treehouse sitting in the distance. Putting on a burst of speed, I pushed myself faster. I reached the treehouse. It was more like a logged platform with a laddered ramp leading up to it. I climbed the ladder, shaking slightly to keep my balance. Once I reached the top, I collapsed.

It was simple; Just a logged platform with a railing to keep people from falling off. Panting, I looked up, seeing a mound of rocks. Crawling over to the pile, I picked one up, testing its weight. They were about the size of large baseballs, and about as heavy. I sheathed my dagger as I heard the crowd of boys collected at the base of the treehouse; I couldn't see them, and they couldn't see me. Voices were conversing below.

"So, Teresa, you're the expert. How are we getting her down?"

"Well if you lot of klunk-for-brains were smart, you would've taken the pile of rocks down." The voice belonged to a female.

"Dude, you forgot the rocks?"

"Well go up, take them down!"

"In case you haven't noticed, she has a weapon."

More voices continued to argue, shouting over each other. I listened, trying to figure out what the Hades was going on. Suddenly, the girl's voice ran out again.

"Hey!" She shouted at me. "Throw the rocks! They hate that!"

"Teresa!" The boys chorused, annoyed.

While the arguing resumed, I reached into my pocket, drawing out Riptide. I yanked the cap off, throwing it into the assembled guys below. I heard some people flinch, but nothing more. There were some audible sighs of relief.

"Hey, um, will you come down?" A guy's voice asked. "Leave me alone!" I yelled back. That's when I threw the sword.

More gasps and shouts as Riptide flew down. I heard the girl, Teresa, whoop while the other boys were yelling at each other. I'm pretty sure they were calling for protection. I slowly picked up a rock, throwing it from hand to hand. Suddenly, I whipped it into the crowd. I heard grunts as the rock hit people. Pretty soon, I was chucking rocks at the guys, watching them scurry around, trying to avoid getting hit.

"Hey!" A guy's voice sounded. "Throw one more of those things, and I'll—" I cut him off, chucking a rock at his big head; His eyebrow game was too strong for my liking. I heard a dull thunk as the rock hit him square between his crazy eyebrows. "Ow!" I heard. I continued, ignoring the shouts below me.

"Hey, hey!" This voice was familiar. "It's Percy!" I froze, setting down the rock I was about to throw. "I'm coming up, okay?" He called. I didn't answer. "Wise Girl?" He called again, not sure if he had my attention. Sighing, I stood up. Leaning on the railing, I vaulted. Swinging my body over beams, I jumped, freefalling down to the grass below.

More gasps as the boys parted, leaving a space for me to drop. I tucked instinctively, rolling to a stop. When I stood up, the boys were silent. I searched the crowd for Percy. He was standing there with a smile. "Chiron's going to love that story." He muttered. A girl pushed her way to the front of the crowd. She had pale skin, like an empousai's. Her black hair hung around her face, dark as a hellhound. I tensed as she shook my hand.

"Teresa," She said, smiling. I allowed myself a bleak smile before letting go. "Annabeth. Annabeth Chase." I responded. Teresa nodded. "Yeah, sorry about these slintheads, here." She said, jerking a thumb over her shoulder. I looked at her, confused.

"I'm sorry, but what the Hades is going on?" I asked through barely concealed frustration. Percy appeared beside me. "Some stuff happened, the elevator took a wrong turn, and now we're here." He said, gesturing around us. I mentally facepalmed. "Okay, Seaweed Brain, we need to have a talk."

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