Chapter 17: Clary Fairchild

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The, what did they call it, "Quidditch" match was awesome. I didn't know that playing a midair sport took so much time and effort. After the match, Hermione enchanted an old shoe to take us to their school.

"Okay, this Portkey leaves in ten seconds, so let's get ready, yeah?" Hermione addressed us. We nodded, positioning ourselves around the sneaker. I placed my hand on the shoe, getting ready for the wizards' unusual method of transportation.

The Weasleys had already told their mother and father about us, and got permission to let us explore Hogwarts. Hermione was still exasperated about letting us stay this long, but I for one was elated. Seriously, destroying demons was fun,but I needed a change of pace. And it was going to be fun.

Jace was on my right, with Isabelle on my left. Ginny checked her watch, counting down the seconds until we were transported away.


I got ready.


Jace clasped my hand.


I closed my eyes, bracing myself.


The earth was yanked from under my feet. There was a tugging sensation in my gut and I flew off the ground. Screams. There were screams coming around me. That wasn't me, was it? No, it wasn't. I looked around to see it was coming from Jace. He gave me a look, saying, If you tell anyone about this, you'll be sorry. I stuck my tongue out in response.

I was falling... falling... until I wasn't anymore.

My feet hit the ground and I felt my ankle strain slightly. Looking around, I no longer stood in a grassy field. Gone was the hustle of many people, no more competitive air. Instead, I stood on a pathway paved with cobblestone. Surrounding the path was a small village. Looking on ahead, I saw that the pathway led up to a large building.

I took the opportunity to look at the shops. Going up to the nearest store, I read the sign.

"What's... Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" I asked Harry.

"Um..." he stuttered, blushing red. "I, uh, funny story, actually. So, I came here with a girl I really liked, Cho." From behind us, I could hear Ginny cough loudly. Harry continued. "So, Cho's boyfriend, Cedric," he paused for a second. "Cedric died, uh, the year before. He was killed by Voldemort."

"So...your girlfriend's former boyfriend was killed by Theft of Death?"

"Yeah. Wait, no. He just... ugh, he wanted to... hang on, he-"

"Yeah, I get it. Continue."

"So, I asked her out on Valentine's Day."

"Oh, and how'd that turn out?"


"I thought as much."



"So, she insisted we come here. To be honest, I hated this place the moment I saw it. Lovey-dovey couples, sharing hot cocoa, the pink confetti and glitter." He visibly shuddered. "But I did it for her."

Ginny made another audible cough.

"So, we were awkward teenagers. I was fourteen, she was fifteen. She wanted to talk about Cedric."

"Yeah, and?"

"I suggested we talk about something else."

"She took offense to that?"

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