Chapter 5: Clary Fairchild

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We sat down with the kids from Scotland and they told us what happened.

"So you're saying you guys are wizards?" Jace asked skeptically. "From a hidden school called Hogwarts?" "Actually, it's enchanted so that Muggles can't see it, and wizards from other schools wouldn't see it until they're standing in the school grounds." The brunette answered. "Hermione, right?" Isabelle clarified. The girl nodded her head.

"Okay, what else happens at 'Hogwarts?'" Alec asked, snickering with Jace. I shot them a look. "Yes, well, we were going to the Quiddi— to watch a World Cup. The sport's kinda famous among wizards." The redhead, Ron, answered. His sister, Ginny, nodded. "We took a Portkey there. At least, we tried to. We ended up here."

"Remind me again what a Portkey is and why I should care?" Jace asked. I shot him a withering glare. Ginny continued as though nothing had happened. "It's a way to teleport from place to place. Usually, the Ministry of Magic enchants an object. At a certain time, the object will teleport you to the place it's set for. It's a one-way ticket, so we would very much appreciate your help." She said.

"How do we know you are who you say your are? How do we know you're not just members of the Circle?" Alec asked suspiciously. "What's the Circle?" Ron asked. I inwardly groaned. "It's what Valentine's followers call themselves." Isabelle explained patiently. "So, like, Voldemort's Death Eaters?" Harry asked. 

"Just prove you can do magic." Jace said. "Then we'll help you." The group looked at Hermione for guidance. She subtly nodded, drawing our her wand. At least, I'm pretty sure that's what wizard wands looked like. It was a long piece of rounded wood with intricate swirling designs climbing up the wood. The others followed likewise. "What do you want to see?" Ginny asked. "Oh! Change the color of these heels for me." Isabelle said instantly, gesturing at her feet. "They don't go with any outfit." The wizards looked at each other uncertainly.

"Um, how about I make a Patronus, instead?" Hermione asked. "What's a Patronus?" I asked. Hermione concentrated, muttering, " Expecto Patronum," and a silver otter burst from the end of her wand. It swam around the room, carried by the air. Harry, Ron, and Ginny recited the same incantation, and three more silvery shapes joined the otter; A horse, a dog, and a stag. We watched, transfixed by the animals' grace as they flew through the Institute. Slowly, the shapes made their way through the open window and flew out of sight. "Okay, so you guys are wizards." Jace said, impressed.

"Well, now that we have your favor, tell us about your side of the story." Harry said, stowing his wand away. "We're demon hunters, what more do you need to know?" Alec asked. "Tell us about this Valentine dude." Ron answered. Jace snorted. "Wait, you guys are going to help us bring down Valentine?" He snickered. 

"We literally just came from war with an immortal wizard." Ginny said coolly.

"And I'm guessing you guys lost?"

"We won. He's dead."

"But you just said he was immortal."

"Stop trifling with technicalities. We took away his immortality by killing his snake."

"My, aren't you guys harsh."

"Okay, guys, stop." I interrupted. They looked at me. "Okay, if these guys think you can help us, then I say we at least give them a chance." Isabelle scoffed. "Fine." She looked at the wizards. "Valentine is the Clave's most dangerous Shadowhunter. His life's goal is to rid the world of demons and he despises Downworlders." "What are those?" Ginny asked. "Vampires, werewolves, faeries, and warlocks." I answered swiftly. "Vampires, werewolves, pixies, and bad wizards. Got it." Ron muttered. Isabelle continued.

"Over time, the Shadowhunter community has become more anti-demon, and more devoted to protecting innocent Downworlders; And Valentine hates that. He's planning on wiping out the Shadowhunter race and restarting."

"And how does he plan on doing that?" Hermione asked. "I mean, a mass slaughter is something that the Muggles would notice." 

"You mean Mundanes."

"No, I mean Muggles."

"Whatever. So after he murders the whole Shadowhunter population, he's going to use the Mortal Cup and turn a shockingly large amount on Mundanes into Shadowunters and start anew."

The wizards stared at her, sure they had heard wrong. "Well, it would be impolite to intrude on such an important battle, so see ya!" Ron said, reaching for his wand. Hermione knocked it out of his hand. "Be nice, Ronald." She whispered. He groaned. "Fine. What do you need help with?"

"Well, we're planning on securing the Institute before going out." I answered. "And what do you lot define as, 'going out?'" Harry asked. "Oh, you know, just going out, walking around, slaying a couple dozen demons, almost getting killed, and lots of action. You know, the usual." Jace explained in one breath.

The wizards looked at each other, silently conversing. Finally, Hermione let out a deep breath. "The almost dying part sounds fun, let's go." She said, drawing out her wand. "What are you doing?" Isabelle asked skeptically. Hermione looked at us.

"Have you guys ever heard of Apparition?"

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