Chapter 20: Alec Lightwood

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I felt someone shaking me awake. I groaned, sitting up as the world around me spun into colour. Ow, what the hell happened? Where are we? Is this... rock? Why are we in the mountains? Izzy? Jace? Clary?

I looked around to see that they were unconscious, lying around me, on the cold, hard stone.

"Alec?" A voice shook me out of my thoughts. I looked up at the brown-haired girl--Hermione?--from Scotland. She was the only other one awake. I looked around her, seeing her friends lying around her; they seemed to be dead.

"What did you do?" I asked quietly. "What did your... magic do? How did we end up here?!" I half yelled. She only looked back at me with a hardened expression; she looked like she could kill. I gulped.

"Listen, genius, if you hadn't noticed, we're in the same boat. I have no idea what's going on, but don't just assume it was our magic that did this." Hermione didn't shout; instead, her voice was deadly quiet, laced with venom. There was a steel glint in her eye that sent a slight wave of terror through my body.

"W-Well, it's not our fault that we're here." I said defensively, crossing my arms. I stood up, and she mimicked me.

"I never accused you guys of anything, you accused us. You have no right to be defensive. Do you really not trust us?" She said angrily.

I thought it over. "I'm sorry," I muttered, shaking my head. "You're right." I took a deep breath and started again. "So, do you know where we are? Or how we ended up here?"

Hermione sighed. "No. The last thing I remember was playing Quidditch, then Clary fell, and then we were all swallowed by a--"

"By a bright light." I finished softly.

She looked at me skeptically. "You saw it too?"

I nodded. "I think we all did."

"Oh, bloody hell."

I looked past her, seeing the ginger guy--Ron--getting up. He groaned, clutching his head. "Blood hell, what happened?" He murmured.

Hermione pulled him to his feet. "Somewhere in the mountains."

Ron was slow on the uptake. "Why?"

Hermione rolled my eyes and didn't respond, instead dropping down to Ginny's side. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Wake your friends up. Then we'll talk."

I nodded, walking over to Isabelle. I lightly shook her shoulder. She stirred in her sleep, then her eyes fluttered open. "Alec?" She sat up. Her eyes widened as she took notice of our rocky surroundings. "What's going on?" She asked, standing up.

"We still don't know. Wake up Clary. I got Jace."

==== ====

"So in short, there's only one things we know for sure:" Ginny recounted. "After Clary fell, we all saw a bright light, and blacked out. Then we woke up here."

"Except we don't know where 'here' is." Clary added.

"We could try climbing to a higher ledge to get a better vantage point." I said. "Maybe we're actually not far from Warthogs."

"Hogwarts." Ron corrected with a disgruntled expression.

"Well, we should get climbing." Hermione said. She took out her wand. "Accio brooms!" She called out, her voice echoing in the mountains. There was a long pause, but nothing happened.

"Well, that did absolutely nothing." Jace smirked, right before he was hit in the head. "Ow!" He cursed, glaring at the broom that had zoomed into Hermione's hand.

She smirked. "Well, I thought it would be worth a shot. And I thought it would be easier if we could fly."

I stifled a grin at Jace's expression. "You good? Looked like that hit pretty hard." I teased.

"Shut up." He scowled.

The other three wizards called for their brooms, using whatever summoning sorcery they had. Ginny tossed me a broom. "Here," she said, stowing away her wand.

"I barely remember how to use this thing." I said, straddling the broom awkwardly.

"Well, you better remember fast, Lightwood, or you'll be here alone." She said. She got on the broom, and hovered a few feet in the air. "See? Now you. Or do you need training wheels?"

"I'm good, thanks." I scowled at her amused expression. I crouched slightly, then kicked off the ground. In an instant, I felt... weightless. I was soaring, like a bird. It was as if gravity had no effect on me.

"Okay." We all looked at Harry, who seemed to have the least trouble flying. "Stay close together. We're going to fly upward to see what we find, and don't panic if you fall, you're not going to plunge to your death. Hermione will catch you." He nodded at the brunette.

"With what, a spell?" I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Lightwood, with a spell." Her eyes flashed angrily, and I backed down.

"Let's see what we can find."

==== ====

"That's not possible." Clary whispered breathlessly. "I don't believe it."

"You'd better believe it, because this is reality." Isabelle said.

I gazed down at the scene below us. Aside from the mountains, where we were, there were four, distinct regions: a forest, a vast sea, grassy plains, and a wide stretch of desert.

"This... this isn't normal." Ron muttered.

"Really? You noticed?" Jace scoffed.

Ron glared and muttered something unintelligible under his breath, to which Ginny swatted his head.

"How is this even possible?" Hermione mused. "What kind of magic can do this? Whether natural or synthetic, putting this... arena together would've taken years. Maybe even decades."

"Forget that." I said. "We should probably focus on finding a place to settle down."

"Judging from the other sectors, are we not situated in an optimal position?" Clary asked.

"Not really." Harry pointed out. "I mean, we have the height and protection, but we lack food and a water source."

"Can't you guys just... I don't know, magic up some food?" Jace asked, looking bitterly at Ron.

"We can't, food is one of the five expections to Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration." Ron said immediately. He looked around, at Harry, Hermione, and Ginny, as though he were expecting to be congratulated on what I assumed to be a well-known fact in their world.

"Correct, Ronald." Hermione sighed. "However, we can produce water."

"Well then, all we have to do is hunt f--"

Isabelle's words were cut off by a scream. I looked around, terrified. I didn't know where it was coming from, but I knew that it meant nothing good was coming.

Multifandom CrossoverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora