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I woke up early without having Dean waking me up. I heard talking downstairs but I ignored it. I got changed and was walking down stairs. While I was walking I heard daddy talking to a strange man, his voice kind of sounded like
"Uncle Cas," I quietly whisper. I then heard daddy raise his voice he said.
"No, Cas she's already freaked out by you and I'm not letting you have the weekend with her, especially after the ice,cream incident."
I then walked downstairs and everyone turned there attention toward me. Then Uncle Sam broke the silence
"Hey Claire you ready for school?"
I nodded then mumbled
"I think I'll walk." I grabbed my bag opened the door to the house then closed it. Everyone seemed shocked at what I had done like I had just save somebody's life.  Was mad and sad, I like Uncle Cas but sometimes I think he can read my thoughts because once I was in my room struggling to read a book and then he just popped right next to me and asked if I needed any help which I did. I was mad at daddy and Uncle Sam they thought I was like scared of uncle cas, well, well I'm not. I think. Any way when I arrived at school I walked to my class. Mrs. Malloys kindergarten room. As I walked in everyone turned there attention on me. I felt like an outsider instantly because all the girls had ponytails or pigtails with bows, but worst of all all the girls had. Dresses. They boys they were just normal boys. My eyes darted around the room looking for an empty space in the back there was an extra set it had the name of ' Jack Novak' Novak I thought why does that sound so familiar it doesn't matter. Then as I sat down a girl with a pink dress came up to me.
"Hi I'm Mikyla why aren't you wearing a dress?" I scoffed I didn't like dresses in my opinion they make you look like a brat.
"Because dresses look stupid and boxy."
She didn't look amused at my comment then got angry.
"You just messed with the wrong six year old." I was kind of amused because this girl compared to me was a shrimp she has never gotten training from my father.
"Wow you feel strongly about dresses." She then looked at me her eyes flared with anger. She was then tried pouncing at me I quickly moved out of the way so she would fall.
"Oh no you don't," she said with pure hatred. She attempted to grab my hair but before she could I grabbed her arm pushed her to the ground with her arm in my grasp.
"You probably could fight better without that dress of yours." I got off her back and went to my seat she got up from the ground and walked to her friend group and snickered. At recess things got heated with Mikyla and I this is how it went down:
I was walking to the basketball court when Mikyla stopped in front of me with two girls behind her, Stella, and Heather.
"So new girl thinks she's all tough!" Mikyla snired through her rabbit teeth.
"Yeah actually do you want to fell my muscles while i put you in a headlock." I snapped back, then Stella opened her mouth which was a big mistake
"Even if you tried you'd go running back to mommy." I was so angry I said
"You don't know shit about my mother."
That's when I tackled her punching her then Jack the boy I sit next to pulled me off. I looked into his Icey blue eyes.
"Don't do that your going to get in trouble." He whined but it was too late because before I knew it Mrs. Malloy had called my name.
"Shit," I mumbled.

Word count:656

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