Working with the devil

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I dropped out of school. I'm done with everyone's bull shit, and now dads pissed and it's pissing me off. Dad won't tell me what's going on. All I know is dad killed the mother of all and now they think uncle Cas is working with Crowley. Dad seems really pissed but I think Cas heard me because he just popped right next to me.
" I know it's difficult Claire,"
"What's difficult?"
"Knowing that I'm going to be your new God,"
Did he just say God?
"Yes Claire, I said I will be your new god and you will bow down to me."
"H-h-how," I was scared he sounded like he was serious. Then dean came in.
"Yeah Cas tell us how. Tell us about you going to opening the door to purgatory. How your going to take 50,00 souls. Please tell us,"
Cas looked at him and tilted his head and threw a punch at dean. He flew to the ground.
"OH MY GOD DAD! Uncle Cas what are you doing he's your family!"
"He is no family of mine. I tried to be nice to him I did everything for I brought him back from hell and I don't even get trust!"
"I know I'm sorry, but you were working with the king of hell! I would have done the same thing!"
He then chuckled
"What's so funny to you!Dean scolded
"I'm sorry Dean Claire but I'm going to go become your new God." Cas then fluttered away.
"Son of a bitch! Dean yelled he then stumbled up and ran to get Sam and Bobby in hopes of Sam being awake.

2 days later

I had been listening in on Dean, uncle Sam, and uncle Bobby's conversations lately. Dad forced me back into school. I don't go on times like this because my uncle might become God. I took Dean's phone and told them that I have ever Swine Flu. I don't even know what swine flu is, so. The school responded saying that they are saying prays for me that I get better. The irony of it. Dean, uncle Sam, and uncle Bobby summoned Balthazar. Suddenly, they were gone. I walked into the room they were just in. "What the hell? DAD, UNCLE SAM . . .
uncle, Bobby?"


Balthazar must've taken them some where. I looked and looked but I didn't know. They said that he was going to open  the gates tonight. Balls. I have to find them. I did the ritual again. "What is it that you monkeys want?" He said. "Take me to them."

Spoilers! Major!

"Why are you Winchesters so demanding? Alright, but the place is angel proofed it will be hard to get in."

"Take me as far as you can."

"Will do."

Suddenly I am in  different place, Balthazar next to me. "Just go through there." I give him a nod and walk over to the spot he told me to. I walk in and see Crowley and Cas. "DAD, SAM, BOBBY!" I say as I see him throw them. He threw Bobby down a pair of steps and Dean on a glass table. San was passed out, "Cas," I say in a whisper. "Cas, "
"Uncle Cas is gone I'm your new God you will bow down to me."
"I want my uncle back you son of a bitch."
I then heard Bobby day something but I didn't hear it over my own heart beating so loud. Then Bobby got on his knee and dean was about to when Cas said
"Don't bother you don't mean it, but I will rise and you will bow down."
     The next two days we've been watching the news and Cas has been performing so called miracles while smitting sinners. Dean came up with an idea to call on death to kill Cas but I don't want him dead I just want him to not have all those souls.

Few hours later

Dean called death he told him he doesn't have souls with him he has something called leviathans. Then death left and Cas appeared.
"There coming,"
"What's coming?''
"The LEVIATHENS!!" Soon it wasn't uncle Cas it was the leviathens
"Your lucky Dean and Sam I won't kill you right now." Dean told me to stay back and not follow him with uncle Cas I told him I won't but I will. Soon they left and I quietly followed them. We got to this locked area where the water pipes are and then Cas said "I want her to watch this right now,"
"Who?!" Then Cas walked in the water and wouldn't stop he then was fully emerged under water.
"Uncle Cas," I whispered. "UNCLE CAS!!!!" I yelled. I was about to go run into the water after him but then I saw black water come from where he had died and now the leviathans where in the watering system. On the way home I couldn't stop thinking of all the time he has saved my life. When the robber shot me, and when he healed me when I was very sick. I can't help knowing he's gone."

Word count:858

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