Back for good

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Claire's POV

I couldn't believe my eyes my own father who had died for 6 years all the sudden came back
"Dad!" I said chocking back tears
"Hi princess." I run up and hug him missing him so much I cried so hard I do t think my tiny body couldn't handle it. He smiled how he used to it warmed me.
"Shhhhh its ok." He stroked my hair and kept reassuring me I was ok. I don't think I was though I was so happy but a little mad because I really needed him. When I got dark out I was heading for bed.  I layed down iny bed a thought I will start writing I'll put my depression onto my writing and hopefully things will get better. Hopefully.  I went to my desk grabbed a paper and pencil and wrote this was my final product

What if I told I want to die
Im tired of living
Of being alive

What if I said it gets worse at night
Thoughts get louder
Nothing is right

What if I lied
And said I was alright
No I'm not crying
I swear I'm alright

What if I died?
I doubt you'd even cry
Would you even care
If I took my own life.

I was satisfied from what I made but I still felt the same: depressed not wanting to let anyone in not even Dean.

I then heard a knock at the door it was Dean I quickly walled to my bed and pretended to be asleep.  I don't want him in my hole of sadness

Next morning

I woke up to smell of bacon. I walked down stairs and see dad making breakfast
"Why are you making breakfast that's normally uncle Sam's job speaking of him where is he? "
"I don't know? And why is it shocking that I'm making breakfast. "
"Just wondering. " I say backing off a bit. I sit down at the table. "Hey dad, what...  What was it like in hell? "
"Oh umm well I don't really remember anything. So what did you do we'll I was gone. " I sat there for a second. "Dad, I missed you, I missed you alot."
"I know but Lilith would have killed you and I'm not about to let her kill my daughter." I was annoyed "Dad I had hardly begun my life so you could have ended it there you still had so much to live for." He then turned his back on me and was facing the eggs he was making.  "I had already loved my life it was your turn. And it's better off if I wasn't here because I always manage to pull every some person I love down with me." "I'm willing to go with you if you're about to die don't think k I won't go with you. For the time you were gone I was sad, depressed, even angry with myself because you were gone. I need you dad I always will.'' He then pulled me into I tight hug I missed his being in his embrace I felt safe. This time I know he's back for good.

The Winchester Girl ((COMPLETED))Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon