smart girls never win if there polite

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  No one was home, not even the prophet he was somewhere with Sam and dean. I then heard a faint Scottish scent yelling my name. I walk over to the dungeon.
   "Claire yes, please help!'' I walk over to the king of hell. "The last thing you'll get from me is help." He paused then sighed. "Well just so you know your daddy and uncle Sammy are taking me to a church, and I bet your itching to go." I grunt in response. "I can sneak you in." I turn and look at him with my arms crossed. I slap him hard in the face. "I wouldn't even go in the same car as you, you disgust me." I snarl at him. I then heard the boys get home so I left and went to my room.
   I heard a knock and dean come in. "Hey, uncle Sammy are going to be out tonight and tommorow and if one of us don't come back, we love you, so much." I nod and laugh a little.
   "Dad, I want to help. Dangerous or not, I could help." He sighed. "Claire you come it would be a suicide mission,"
   "Dad I'm old enough. I know how to hunt. You've taught me everything you know. I'm smart, brave. Scratch that I'm amazing."
   "Claire, c'mon your to... To polite."
  "Smart girls never win if there polite."
"I'm sorry Claire I can't let you come."
He started walking out the door.
  "B-b-but... Dad." He had already walked out.
"Typical, like father like son,"

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