White eyed monster

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After school I went straight to my room.
"Hey, young lady what happened at school?" Dean questioned
I don't know why he was asking he already knew what happened. He then walked into the room.
"Why did you punch the girl she was just trying to be nice."
"Nice," I scoffed he doesn't know why I punched all he knows is that I got into a fight.
"Well I don't think it's very nice of her to bring up MO-" I stopped myself I don't want him knowing what went on. He grabbed my hand
"Honey you know you can tell me anything."
"She brought up mom" I mumbled. He then pulled me in for a hug.
"I, glad you defended yourself."

About 2 weeks later

School is the absolute worst. The only person that wants to be my friend is Jack and every time we play together people say we're dating. So today if they do it again Mikyla is gonna feel what it feels like to be punched, again. I have also been helping daddy a lot with hunts but only with research he won't let me go out.i was currently doing some research before I headed ou to school. I walked everyday except the days it was really cold.
"Ok daddy I found something it's called a... it's called a.. LAvi Ethan?"
He then laughed at me trying to pronounce the word.
"It pronounced L E V I A T H E N."
"Ok I love you I'm heading out for school."
"I love you to."
I grabbed my stuff swung open the door and shut it. I was walking down the street when this girl about my age came running up.
"Hi!" She said so cheerfully I cringed.
"Hi," I replied then she started asking questions.
"Where do you live? Is your dad Dean Winchester? Do you go to Nancy Scho-"
"Stop. Please calm down. Yes my dad is Dean Winchester. Now first things first what's your name mine is Claire?" She looked at me kind of suspiciously.
"I'm Lilith."
"Holy shit," I muttered but she heard
"Oh so you have heard of me. I knew it probably your father has told me about you. What a shame I thought we could be friends. Oh well."
Her eyes then flipped into a white color.
"Lilith please don't hurt me." She then laughed and turned her back to a blue color.
"Oh no, you won't have a single scratch it's your father we want."
"WHAT NO WHY?" I had so many mixed emotions.
"Well you see he needs to come to hell."
I gasped.

Deans POV

I got a call from the school saying Claire was late to school which was weird because she's never late. So I walked down the street to see Claire talking to the nome other then Lilith and she has my Baby my precious child well she's not having her this time. I run to the impala and grab a shotgun and salt hopefully this will work.

Claire's POV

I hear a someone yelling my na,e I turn around to see Dean holding a shot gun and salt. I then turn around back to Lilith.
"Looks like daddy Winchester has arrived." She smirked I wanted to puncher her so hard but if I did I would die.
"What have you done to her Lilith?" The anger in his voice scared me but I knew he was there to protect me.
"Look at her not a single scratch but for you well..."
They started battling until Lilith just snapped her fingers and Dean laid lifeless on the ground. I then ran to him as Lilith dissapered.
"DADDY!!!!!" I screamed/sobbed as I ran to him. That was it that was the final straw. I will kill that bitch no matter what

Word count: 642

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