moving on

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It's been a few days I'm living off of motel food and $58.00 because it was in my pocket. I was getting ready for my new job at subway in a whole different town when I hear my phone ring. It was a random number I pick it up.
"Hello Claire, it's Dean," Shit, how'd he find me I have a new phone.
"Save it,"
"Look I'm sorry. "
"What, you're sorry you brought a tiny kid in the hunter life instead of an adult."
"Claire you don't understand I was trying to pro-"
"Oh protect me yeah I see how that's working out."
"I know I said I was sorry."
"Do you know what's the worst part about this is... Its when you find out you didn't mean as much to someone as you thought you did so know you look like a fool."
  "Look Claire, if you want to leave go ahead. I know you promised you never would, but I also people don't always do what there supposed to. I want you to remember all the memories we had and pack them away cause I don't want you sad. Remember us jamming in the car, crying as we laugh, and photos of us smiling as if we had never been happier together. I want you to pack up all of that. Even if your going to break that promise to me. Just remember I gave you every thing. I love you Claire."
"I know you do dad I wish it wouldn't have had to come to this, I'm really sorry goodbye." I hung up quickly. I look over my shoulder and see a picture of Dean and I hugging. I quickly grab the photo of us and sit on the bed and cry to myself. I text my best friend from high school.

C- i don't know whats
wrong with me but
Everyone leaves, lie, forgets
me, replaces me, they play me
but most of all they forget me.
Am I that bad?

S- yeah, we were never friends
We just liked your dad. We never
Actually had friends youre just a loser.

C-screw you.

S-yeah what ever.

I quickly put my phone away and realize I'm late for work I might as well call in sick.

Few hours later

I decided I should walk around. I was walking in the alley when some one grabbed me and I was knocked unconscious.

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