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We arrived at the bunker and Claire went to the library with Sam. I can't help but think, I ruined her life, she clearly doesn't want me, I don't even think she still loves me. I then lost my thought when I heard a knock at the door. I look up to see Claire standing there.
    "Why are you here?" I questioned with a sad look on my face. "I'm here because you're my dad and I know I'll have to forgive you at some point, and just a reminder I do still love you, even if you weren't in my imaginary world I still love you." I paused "That imaginary world is what you always wanted." She came up and sat next to me. "I know I'm sorry, I really am.... Dad, where is mom?"
"Off somewhere I still have her contact ill call her." I picked up my phone it rung a few times but then I heard a male voice answer.

"Hello, who is this?"

"It's Dean Winchester is Ellie there?"

"Yeah, do you know her?"

"Yeah, we go way back together." The man sighed but I heard him hand the phone to her.



"D-Dean?" Her voice got shaky.

"I have someone who wants to talk to you." I hand the phone to Claire.

"Hi, I'm Claire you probably don't know me."


"Hi mom,"

"Oh my god Claire, are you okay? Are you a hunter?"

"N-no, is there any way we can meet up, I would love to meet you, Dean says amazing things about you?"

"Of course,"

"How about tomorrow at the park around two."

"That sounds amazing."

      I couldn't help but smile, there so much alike.

Claire's POV next day

I woke up early and drove to the mall to buy an out fit this is what I came up with:

I came back and deans eyes widened, he was about to compliment me when I stuck my hand out

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I came back and deans eyes widened, he was about to compliment me when I stuck my hand out. "No, I don't want it." He nodded then laughed I check the time 1:47 I was at the mall for three hours trying to dress to impress.

"I guess I better get going." I said. Dean nodded. I grabbed the keys to the Impala and drove to the park. I saw a beautiful lady sitting on a bench, she looked just like the pictures dean showed me. I walked up, she smiled.

  "Hi, you must be Claire?"
"Yes, wow you are so gorgeous."
"Age did me well,"
"God that sounded creepy." She laughed it off.

    We started talking and I loved her, we were so much alike.

"So how did you meet dad?"
"Well, he was on a hunting trip, and I was one of the suspects, he then told me to call me. We got talking and simmer or later we were dating. Then we got engaged. He told me he told me this right when I had gotten pregnant. 'I love you ellie, really I do. But once this baby is born I would have to leave, because the apocalyptic world was coming and ever demon would be after me so I had to leave when the baby was born.' I did but I woke up every morning thinking I was going to get a call back telling me that it was safe to come home. It never came."
"He never told me that, I'm so sorry."
"I had nightmares, that something bad happened to you. But people told me that everything would get better. They told me all my dreams would come true, but they forgot that dreams are nightmares to. Your dad, so heartless but yet still full of so much love. I didn't know what I was going to do without him, I was lost. Where was I supposed to go? What was I supposed to do? I didn't know what was next. I knew if I went looking for him, I would just get hurt. Like every other girl he's been around."

    I then couldn't stop myself but I hugged her. We talked more, then we said our goodbyes. I promised I'd keep in touch with her. I love my mom, but yet still feel so distant from her.

Word count: 798

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