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Dad, Bobby, and Sam have been working leviathan cases while I have been at school.

Deans POV

we've been working Leviathean cases and I am trying to keep Claire in school out of the hunter life but know I feel so distant from her. She hasn't really talked to me lately like a few days ago it was her birth day and she only invited two friends over to play cards against humanity ( okay I know it wasn't made then but just pretend bc I love that game) They had fun but I think they just like hitting on me because they kept leaning against me while I was fixing the Impala. Claire went out today with a twenty and when she came back she had dark make up on.
"Claire, honey are you ok?!" I asked very concerned
"I'm fine dad why don't you just leave and come back a few days later because like father like son." I was taken back by what she said but anger filled me quickly. "I treat you the best I can you had my father you would I have wished I never came back from hell!" "I wish you never came back you made my life from there a living HELL!! You had just brought hell with you!" I was so mad and scared I would lose my daughter again. "Claire please just tell me what going, i care about you please," she paused "dad," she came close to me and pulled me in a hug while she sobbed.
"Shhh, honey, deep breaths." She took a deep breath in and said.
"Today I came out to my friend Ellis that I was bi and I'm just so so scared that no one will except me. And she went and told everyone and people kept telling me to kill myself and that I was never supposed to happen and my moms glad she's dead so she won't have to s-s-see m-m-me!!!" she then broke out crying.
"Claire, of course I except you. You could tell me that you were a bird and I would still love you," she chuckled then quietly mumbled. "I love you dad,"

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