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I got back home and dean was passed out on the couch with a half empty beer bottle.
   O then walk to the library to do some reason I then see someone I didn't recognize. "Who are you and how did you find this place!?" I say charging at the mysterious kid. "Please don't hurt me...

My name... Is Kevin Tran."
I eyed him suspiciously.
"Alright Kevin Tran why are you here?"
"I-im a prophet... Of the lord!"
I then back off some. I asked him what he's reading he told me there trials to slam the gates of hell. Sam already completed the first and second and I think dean and him are doing the last one tonight.
  "Hey, Kevin. What's the 3rd trial?"
He paused reading what he had wrote down.
   "He hast to turn a demon human.''
" But wait Kevin, Sam can't do these. He- h- HE'S GOING TO DIE!!"
   Kevin looked down, then back at me. "Sam would only be doing because he knows it's the right thing, he knows the price that comes with these trials, certain death. I'm so sorry." Kevin looked sympathetic at me.
   "No, I can't afford to lose him. Not this time." Kevin just looked annoyed by me.
  "Claire, he chose this. And everything is going to go fine, Sam going to survive. You know why?  Because Sam and dean always find a way through it and they always win."
  I didn't want to believe it. Sam can't do these, but I can, I want to. These boys have been through enough!

The Winchester Girl ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now