Chapter 5

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A/n: for some reason I don't think the last part of what I wrote actually saved and published... So I will just write it like it's in this chapter. Sorry if you have read it and it's not how I wrote it last time Xxxx

Lilly's POV:

~after the hospital~

I'm so happy that the glass wasn't deep enough for stitches, just a few cuts.

We have been in the car not for about half an hour and I still don't know where we are going... We've got our luggage in the boot, but I don't know where we are going.

"Hey, con. Where we heading off to?"

"You will see when you get there" he says smiling at me.

He points to the gear stick.

"Put your hand there" so I look at him confused.

"Why?" He laughs a little.

"Just do it" he says smiling. I put my hand on top of the gear stick and he places his hand on top of mine.

I don't know why, but I actually like this... I don't know what's gotten into me but I think I'm developing feelings for my best friend... Too bad he doesn't like me that way...

~when they reach their destination~

Connors POV:

"Con... Where are we?" She says as I pull up into the drive way.

"A little place I like to call home" I say grinning at her.

"Why are we here?" She says confused.

"Well, 1) I thought it would be a nice place to stay since you don't want to go back to yours because your sister could be there. 2) because Rex is here, duh?"

As I finish the last part if what I say she giggles and I knock on the front door and walk in.

Lilly's POV:

His house... Of all the places, his house is where he chooses... But his parents are here. I'm gonna have to meet his parents. Oh god.

I step through the front door, closing it behind me and I follow Connor into the front room.

"Mum, dad. This is Lilly. Lilly, mum and dad."

Connor says pointing around the room from them to me.

They both stand up and I walk towards them.

"It's nice to meet your mrs..."

"There's no need to call me that..." She says interrupting me.

"Call us by our first names. It would feel better" she says embracing me with a hug.

~after meeting his parents and brother~

Lilly's POV:

We head upstairs, to go and see Rex.

Connor takes his out of the cage and then tells me to follow him to his room.

I walk in and it's spotless.

"Well obviously your mums cleaned your room"

He sits down on the bed and pats the spot next to him, for me to go sit next to him, I shut the door and make my way over.

"Nope, cleaned my room before I left."

"Wait what. Connor ball actually cleans?" I said seriously. Connor started laughing "uhh... Yeh, I just pretended I didn't at the camp so I didn't have to do anything" he says smiling at me.

"Wanna hold him?" He says holding Rex out for me.

"Why not?" I say while Connor gives him to me.

"My cousin had a bearded dragon once." I say while stroking Rex.

"What happened to it?"

"Funny story...well the first part is" I say smiling.

"Well first of all my cousin got a bearded dragon for Christmas, he was so happy because he likes dragons and dinosaurs, and their obviously one of the closet things to them. So my cousin called him spike. Because they've got spikes all over them." I say looking at Rex.

"Yes, carry on"

"Ok, calm down. Then about 2 years later we found out spike was actually a girl... So it was quite funny for all if us."

Before I can carry on, Connor interrupts me.

"How did you know it was a girl?"

"Wait, I'm getting to that part." I say before carrying on.

"My auntie said while she was cleaning the cage, she saw little round things... And thought it was poo, so she threw it out... Well, it turned out it was spikes eggs, or spikettes eggs, that's the girl name for her or him...? I get confused. She then went into depression of loosing her eggs and when my auntie went out she came back and spikette was dead. Either because she forgot to put the light on and spikette died from that , even though she was gone for an hour, or spikette died from depression..."

I look at Connor and he looks quite upset.

"If I had known the story was going to make you upset, I wouldn't if told it too you..." I say giving Connor a hug and trying to watch spike at the same time.

"It's fine, it's just I love bearded dragon. When they die it makes me kinda upset..." He says looking at Rex. So I hold Rex up infront of Connor, so he can have a cuddle.

"Wanna watch a film?"

He says getting up to put rex away.

"Yeh ok" I say while Connor walks out to the landing to put spike in his cage. When he comes back we both lay on the bed while watching Harry potter and then we cuddled.


Sup guys!!! X


Sorry for the crap update x 😂😂👌

Love you all x 😂😘


I'm sorry tristan ( a Sequal to summer camp a tristan Evans fanfic) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now