Chapter 10

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"I love you Lilly Jones" he says with the biggest smile ever.

"I love you Connor Ball"



"How long are they gonna be. Where do you think they've gone anyway" as I say that james looks at me and wiggles his eyebrows and then laughs.

As I hit him on the arm and say "eww you're disgusting, stop" while laughing lilly and connor walk into the room and sit down.

"You've missed a couple awards... Where have you been." Brad says to connor.

"Sorry, I left the necklace at home so I took lilly there"

When he said that he looked at lilly and they both smile at each other.

"You couldn't wait until after we won our awards... You're lucky that we were nominated for 5 awards. We've got 2 left." Tristan says to connor sharply.

I look at Nicole and she looks a little upset.

"Tris. May I talk to you out there?" I say pointing out into the hall. He nods and we both get up and leave.

"So what did you wanna talk about" tris says when we get into the hall.

"Well I was talking to Nicole, and she's a bit upset"

"Why? What's wrong? Is she ok?" He says very worried.

"Calm down tris. She's just worried because she thinks you still have feelings for lilly."

He doesn't reply.

"Do you?"

Still no reply.

"Unbilevible, how can you still like her after what you've done."

I walk away. But as I walk away tris pulls me back.

"You can't tell anyone ok. It wasn't my fault. Her sister said that if I didn't do what she said, she'd kill lilly. You saw what she did to me. I couldn't let that happen to lilly ok."

"I don't know if I believe you tris..." You're gonna need some proof.

"Oh don't worry. I will get you some" he says walking back to the table, sat down and started to Nicole. Unbelievable... He's such a jerk.

Lilly's POV:

Tris comes back to the table without Kacey. I look back to see her muttering to herself.

She sees me and walks back to the table.

I look at Kacey to see if she's ok and my phone beeps.

From: connor ballsy 🙊

What do you thinks wrong with tris? Xxx ❤️😘


To: connor ballsy 🙊

I don't have a clue, why'd you say that? ️Xxxx ❤️😘


From: Connor ballsy 🙊

Because every time I speak to you or do anything with you, tris scowls at me... Do you think he hates me? X 😔 xxxx❤️


To: Connor ballsy 🙊

He's just a weirdo x why would he hate you? Xxx ❤️


From: Connor ballsy 🙊

Because I kissed you. Before any of that, he was ok. Now, he can only look at me with the worst look on his face. I broke the brother rule. Xxx❤️


To: Connor ballsy 🙊

Well he shouldn't act that way when you kissed me. He battered me... And what rule did you brake? Xxx ❤️


From: Connor ballsy 🙊

I know he shouldn't be like that. And I still feel like beating him up after what he did to you. He makes me sick sometimes. ️xx the rule is, you never have a realashsonihip with your best friends girlfriend, sibling, person they like or their ex. And your tristans ex. Xxx ❤️


To: Connor ballsy 🙊

Can we talk about this later? Xxx ❤️


From: Connor ballsy 🙊

Sure xxx ❤️😘


I look at connor and he smiles at me, so I smile back.

Just as the show goes back on air, con moves his chair closer to mine so that we can cuddle.

"Tris is a twat, how could he beat up such a wonderful person" he whispers in my ear.

"I didn't know he beat you up?" I whisper back laughing.

"The winners are the vamps!"

We all congratulate and they leave, say a speech come back. Talk to us then they win another award, they collect it, say a speech and come back.

"That was the last one. cmon, let's get out of here. Limos outside." He says while putting his hand in mine.

As we both walk the red carpet hand in hand people ask questions but I take no notice and we walk to the limo.

Once we get to cons he stays downstairs while I go and get changed upstairs. Once I'm in my onesie I go into the living room and sit down next to connor.

"You can go get ready now."

"And what if I don't want to?" He says looking me dead In the eye.

"Then you're a scruff bag."

"Fine, fine. Only because you annoy me." He gets up, kisses me and leaves.

When he leaves the room I feel eyes on me. I look up and cons mum and dad are staring at me.

"So when did this happen then? Thought you were only friends?" His mum says.

"To be honest, I don't have a clue" I say laughing.

Before cons dad can say anything, someone knocks the door.

"I can get it if you want" I say to cons mum

"Sure go ahead" she says.

I walk to the door and as I open it I see Orla standing the opposite side of me.

"Oh hey Lilly, is connor here?"

"Yeh sure he's upstairs why?"

"Because he hasn't been answering his phone, I thought there was something wrong that's all" she says sounding a little worried.

"I'm not trying to sound horrible or anything, but I still don't get why you care so much?"

"Because I'm his girlfriend?" She says with a big smile across her face.


Hope you liked that update x

2 updates in 1 day!!! X

Sorry if you can't see the emojis xxx I'm obsessed ️xx


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