Do Cherries Come From Cherry Trees?

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"Michael Jackson!"

"Hey, that can't be a Michael Jackson. That was a sneeze. It's Janet Jackson!"

"Maeda Taison!*"

*[a possible word play on Mike Tyson.]

Indeed, those were actual sneezes. Fortunately enough, you were the only one who wasn't affected by this sudden outbreak. The three Yorozuya members had snot dripping from their noses, trying to use as many tissues as possible to clean up the mess on their faces.

"Cut it out! Sneeze normally! It's so irritating," Shinpachi blew his nose. "The pollen this year is worse than normal. Everyone on the street is sniffling and suffering from the pollen. I wonder why."

"I don't think it's cedar pollen. This year, people think it's a nasty pollen from a plant from another planet," you explained.

Before you could say anything else, Gintoki interrupted with his strange sneeze, "Shakin' the baby!"

"Gin-san! Stick to the topic!"

You just had to add onto Shinpachi's complaint, "And what the actual hell was that? Who sneezes like that?!"

"That's okay, after all, this book is..."

"Fiction!" Kagura and Gintoki both shouted and sneezed simultaneously. "No relation to actual persons, groups or events."

"Don't worry about unnecessary things! It's too late!"

"Too late, you say? I heard the old hag closed the shop and crawled into bed."

"Otose-san? The Otose? You'd think she'd just sprinkle the pollen on her rice for flavour. The Otose?!"

"I know how you feel. I heard it's that bad."

"We should probably stay indoors," you advised. "Make sure you guys don't accidentally accept a job offer, just in case. We don't want this to get even worse than it already is. Well, I doubt you'd get any offers anyway."

"Oh, we're out of tissues. Shinpachi, go buy some," Kagura ordered, all the while using the last tissue box.

"Hey! Were you even listening?"

"Never mind, just go buy some. Buying tissues is all you're good for, anyway."

"What did you say, damn girl! Go home to your planet!"

"Shinpachi, now's not the time to deport your friend!" you pulled at his clothes to stop him from fighting Kagura. "And Kagura, don't order-" There was really no point in finishing that sentence. Shinpachi had ripped himself from your grip and pounced at the vermillion-haired girl, pushing her onto the floor.

Kagura grabbed onto Shinpachi's pants and threw him towards the window behind Gintoki's desk. Instead of bouncing right off it and landing back on the floor, the window broke and his body was half in and half out of the building. Yourself and Gintoki looked at one another in concern. "...Shinpachi?" you called out to him, "Are you still alive?"

"Uhh..." he murmured. You stood up from the blue couch and made your way towards him, but there was something weird about this. It wasn't Shinpachi; it was actually the tall green tree in the distance. The tower like thing was that strange, you could see it from the broken window view.

"Should I be questioning why that thing is there...?" you asked yourself. The doorbell had buzzed before you could mention it.

"Shinpachi, someone's here. Get that," Kagura ordered him once again to do another task. With your help, Shinpachi easily got out from the window.

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