Part 2

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Locked up in this world that mortals thought it's mythical but then it's not. I'm not living in a mythical world -- I'm in a different world. I am a creature that no one believes in. I can fly but I don't have wings. I can travel to places in a blink of an eye. I can control some of natures. I am a Casure. We are creatures who live with nature. We are caretakers of nature.

My father forbids me to travel to the mortal's world. It's a beautiful world and yet he forbids me. He told me that it's dangerous. How can a beautiful world be so dangerous? But this is how the rules go. We Casures are allowed to leave once we reach 1800 of years which is 100 days of ours is a year of mortals. I am now turning 1800 5 days from now. So as for now all I can do is steal looks from the top of my tree.

Late evenings, one of the favorite things that I wanna do is watch the stars as they twinkle above. I'm not a rude child but my curiosity can't be stopped. I slid out of my bed and went to the portal to the mortals. My dad is having his rest and in his deep sleep. I stood at the tip of the tree but then my silhouette would be clear. So I just sat there hugging my knees. The stars above are like fireflies twinkling.

There's a house just across my tree. No one lived there for years but now it seems to be different. The lights were on. I move tree to tree to come closer. They say that humans and Casures don't differ that much, physically. I haven't seen one before and I guess this is an opportunity to see one.

As I came closer, a silhouette of a human, female maybe, came to my view. This mortal is hopping out from the window and is climbing up the roof. This girl is pretty wild for a female. Her silhouette was exactly just like ours. I don't see any sense why we can't be united with the mortals.

When she reached the top of the roof. Her shadow was now clear to me under the moonlight. She sat on the roof and hugged her knees. I sent cold breeze on her that sweeps her hair. I stared at her silently. Her head was tilted up above, at the sky. She's been staying there for hours and I can't take my eyes of her. The site of this human is something that catches my attention. An hour had passed and she slowly moved swiftly. She slowly slid down to the roof and into the window. She got in and turned the lights off. Then she's gone, into the dark.

That was the first time, the first time I've ever seen a mortal that much close. They're not dangerous at all. Everything doesn't make sense at all, why are the mortals dangerous? Why is their world dangerous? There's only one way to find out then -- I need to escape.

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