Part 8

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Franco's been visiting Tiffany each and every night. Not missing a night without her. Each and every meeting another secret unfolds, new lies have been told and stories that never happened have been spitted out innocently.

As for Tiffany who believes each and every word, each and every lies, each and every story. And soon realized that she've fallen for him easily. Not knowing his true nature.

Franco's balancing himself on the ledge of Tiffany's window. After spending the long night with her. He stares at her sleeping, slowly breathing. The wind blows, the cold breeze sweeps her curtains sideways. Tiffany's sketchpad flipped open, revealing her drawings. He moved closer examining the images and he ended up finding himself. He saw portrays of himself. A smile flashed across his face. His portray was perfectly drawn, from his messy hair, to his smile and his eyes. Is as if he's looking at his reflection.

He flipped through the pages and found more versions of him. His laughing portray, to his serious look, and his smile, so as the way he stares at her. Almost all the pages contain hundreds of him. He can't help but smile. She's been thinking about him -- of course, she will. She doesn't have anyone to talk to except him.

He continuously flipped and found a drawing of Tiffany's self and him. Both of them were smiling on the drawing. He tear it and folded it, sinking it into his pocket. Then he left into the night silently.


"Hey I wanna give you something." Franco said as Tiffany and him sit side by side under the moonlight. He pulled out a neclace from his pocket. It was silver, shimmering under the moonlight.

"What's that?" Tiffany asked, amazed by the sight of such gorgeous neclace.

"This is for you. A neclace." Franco hand it to her calmly.

She stare at it, examing it's pendant, a pendant of an angel. She faced him. "What's this for?"

"I don't know, I just wanna give you a simple present for such an amazing talent."


"Yup, the portrays of me."

Tiffany blushed as Franco met her eyes. He knew about his portrays in her sketchpad. She decided to deny it just to avoid being put on shame.

"What portrays?" She said feeling nervous avoiding to meet his eyes.

Franco smiled at her. "You've been drawing me."

She froze. He knew it. "How'd you know it?" She sounded nervous and embarassed for this secret. Franco simple laughed at her.

"It was really amazing."

"Thank you." She whispered.

"Hey, you like it?" Franco asked jerking her shoulder to shoulder.

"Of course, i always like art and --"

"No. The neclace." Franco said looking at the neclace in her hand.

"Oh." She looked at the neclace in her hand, shimmering. "Yah. I like it." She said smiling.

"Can I put it on you?" Franco said meeting her eyes.

She felt her heart beating fast. She nodded. "Sure." She twisted her position, her back facing him. He reached for the neclace. Tiffany cleared her neck by swiftly moving her hair aside leaving Franco frozen by the exposure of her skin. He slowly moved his way to place the neclace. His hands touching her bare neck sent shiver to Tiffany.

"Your heart's beating fast." He said as he slowly lock it.

Tiffany gasped. "How'd you know?" Her heart is beating really loud that she can feel it in her ears.

"I can hear it." He slowly run his hands on her temple as he finishes locking it. It was warm and smooth and soft. Tiffany froze by his touch. "Done." He said pulling his hand away from her. She shifted her position and looked at him.

"Looks good on you." Franco praised her as the neclace shimmer under the moonlight together with her skin.

"Haha. Thanks. It's beautiful." Tiffany whispered. She can't meet Franco's eyes.

Silence filled the air. The hush of the wind swept through them. They were just there sitting still, staring at the dark sky as the stars twinkle. Both of them comfortable with each other.

"I should leave." Franco broke the silence.

"Yah. The night's deep."

"So. Goodbye." Franco said as he stood up and balance himself. He offered his hand to Tiffany. Tiffany reached for it and let his strength pull her up. As she's up, he didn't let go of her hand. They are half foot away from each other. Their hands locked.

Tiffany release a weak laugh. Franco immediately let her hand go.

"I should go." Franco said as he started to turn his back to Tiffany.

"Goodnight Franc." Tiffany whispered. She bet Franco didn't hear it.

Franco turned to look at her again. Though they're meters away. His features formed undef the light. He's eyes intensely staring at hers. "Goodnight Tiff." He said enough for her to hear it.

Tiffany didn't expect a reply to her goodnight. She just simple smiled and watch him as he slide his body down the roof and gone.

A world apartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz