Part 4

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Franco slid out of his tree, being against the rules of casures. He sat on one of his branches as he focused himself to the house hoping to get a very fine view with the maiden whom he saw the other night.

He was near his trunk. He looked down to see that something's on his tree or it's someone's on his tree? He took a good look. It's a human, of course, it is. Casures don't just leave their place to stay in human's world. He was so curious. He stared at this human with this red thing on covering its head. The human slowly tilted its head up and met eyes with Franco.

Tiffany's eyes widely opened as she saw him. There's a guy above him. Sitting on one of the branches staring at her. She immediately stood up and pushes herself away from the tree.

"Who are you?" Tiffany asked him sounding nervous. His eyes were still locked on her.

Franco looked around to see if there's anyone behind him. He pointed himself. "Are you talking to me?" He asked.

"Uhhhmmmm... yah? Obviously, you're the only one around here except me." She answered rudely.

Franco's eyes widened. She can see me? Why would she? Franco felt nervous. "It's not possible." He said.

"Of course it is. Dude, I have my eyes on."

"Who's dude?"

"That's just an expression, okay? Since I don't know you. So answer me, who are you and why are you staring at me?"

"I'm sorry for interrupting your deep sleep but I find you, humans, beautiful."

Tiffany felt herself blushed. But yet she ignored it. She didn't even notice why Franco said that humans are beautiful when she find he himself a human. "Who are you?" She repeated her question for the third time.

"Oh, rude of me. I'm Franco." He said pulling a hand out for Tiffany to shake. "How about you?"

Tiffany slowly moved close to reach Franco's hand. "Tiffany. I'm Tiffany." She said as she raised her heel slightly reaching Franco's hand for a shake.

Franco held Tiffany's hand. It was soft and warm. Tiffany pulls first. "Is it possible for you to go down there cause honestly speaking, I'm not a tall type of person."

Tiffany stepped back making place for Franco to get down. Franco hopped down so swiftly. Is as it is his thing. Tiffany was left amazed by how he swiftly jumped landing exactly on his feet purely stable and unharmed.

He was towering in front of Tiffany. Tiffany was just aligned with his neck. She swallowed hard as she can see Franco's features are so...... beautiful. His eyes were the perfect shade of gray. They were mesmerizing that staring at it would lose yourself. His skin is tan and shimmers under the rays of the sun. His nose was nicely carved with its bridge perfectly traced. His lips were so calm and innocent. His hair was messed up and yet he still looks good on it. He is handsome. Then she noticed that she was staring at him with mouth slightly opened.

"Anything wrong?" Franco broke Tiffany's focus on him.

Tiffany shook her head to pull herself back to where she is. "Nothing." She said as she stepped back and examines Franco. She didn't notice what Franco was wearing. It was an unhuman cloth. She hasn’t seen any cloth like what Franco is wearing. It was a hue between blue and green. She couldn't define what he was wearing because it's totally out of the world thing. "What are you wearing?" She said. As Franco looked down to himself. "That's so out of fashion." She added.

"Oh. Yah. Actually this is our clothes. We --" he cut off. He realized that people don't believe that Casures actually exist and Tiffany thought that he was human. He finds the words to tell her.

"We? What we?"

"Ignore it. I'll change anyways."

They heard a roar of an engine from afar. Then a car came to view. She pushes herself close to the tree to hide. She wanted to know who came to see her. Franco stood still and was really within the sight of anyone.

"Pssst." Tiffany said as she gesture Franco to come immediately and hide.

"Why are you hiding?"

"Could you just please come before they see you." Tiffany said in a semi-whisper style.

Franco know that humans are not possible to see them and yet he still run to Tiffany faking his hide. Though he knows that no one can see him except for her. She's pretty extraordinary.

Their backs are on the tree. Tiffany can feel Franco's arm under her jacket. The warmth of it sends chills on her. She tilted and took a good look and saw someone walking out from the car. A woman -- Aunt Marie. Tiffany's heart beat fast, she forgot about her Aunt Marie. She immediately slid back from the tree feeling nervous.

"Why is your heart beating fast?" Franco asked as he can feel it and hear it. Of course this is one of his Casure thing.

"How'd you know?" Tiffany said with her eyes wide open. She's starting to turn pale.

Franco searched for something to explain because he's slowly unfolding his secrets. "I don't know. I think it's kind of obvious." He lied. Of course, it's not obvious. You cannot know if someone’s heart started to beat fast not unless you feel it in their chest.

"You're a little weird." Tiffany said narrowing her eyes on him. Franco escaped her gaze and tilted his head to look at the house.

"You live there?" Franco asked.


"And who's that lady?"

"She's my aunt."

"She lives with you." Franco said the words not in a question manner but in a conclusion manner.

"How'd you know?"

He looked back to Tiffany pointing his thumb to the house. "She just went inside."

Tiffany immediately lush herself away from the tree and started to run. Leaving Franco without any goodbyes. Franco was left there standing his gray eyes staring at her as she swiftly runs toward the house.

Franco felt a smile flashed across his face. He'd never seen a human closely and wasn't expecting that he would be possible to talk to someone.

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