Part 12

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Franco carried Tiffany to her room by the window. She's so secure in Franco's arms. Franco laid her in her bed slowly, not wanting to wake her up. He pulls the cover up to her chest.

Her eyes were close as Franco stare at her with such admiration. He knows that he shouldn't have done this. He shouldn't have gone close to her. But the urge of feeling her touch is unstoppable. He runs her palm on her forehead, sweeping some of her hair off her eyes. She looks beautiful even though she's asleep. He loves her. He loves her to the point that he can sacrifice things for her.

He stayed with her and watches her as she sleeps. The way her body moves as she breathes. The look in her face, the calmness. He looked at her with so much adoration that he can stare at her the whole afternoon.

He then picked tulips once again and left it beside her. He needs to leave before she wakes up. He took a look at her again. He run his hand on her forehead and planted a soft kiss as representation of how much he cares for her. Then he left by the window and gone.

Tiffany slowly opened her eyes and finds herself in bed. Lying comfortable. She was surprised to see herself in her room. She shook her head to remember what had happen. The last time she remembers was, she's standing near the tree where Franco and she met. Then she was crying in pain. And then, then ...... he was there. Franco was there.

She got up her bed and looked around and found a bunch of orange tulips again. No notes were attached. Just simple tulips. 

"The tulips. Again." She whispered then slams her back, back to her bed.

She looked at the window and the sky was pretty dark. She checked the time and it was already five in the afternoon. She really did have a very long nap. She stared at the ceiling, remembering what Franco's expression was. His gray eyes were swelling. They were crying..... Franco was crying. She tried to refresh her mind of what she said.

You're here.

Sssssshhhhh... Give yourself a break.

Then it went black. She forgot what happened next.

She got off her bed and ran down to their living room. She found her Aunt Marie sitting across the window, is as if waiting for someone.

"Aunt Marie, do you have anything to eat here? Like sandwich or something?"

Her Aunt Marie jumped out from the sofa, eyes wide open, surprised to see Tiffany.

"Where have you been?"

"Upstairs." Tiffany said pointing a finger to her bed.

"How did you get in?"

"Uhhhhmmm... by the door?" She lied. Is as if she remembers how she got in. 

"How? I've been sitting here. Waiting for you."

"Aunt, don't freak out. I'm home and safe. That's what this is all about, right?"

"Yah." Aunt Marie replied rubbing her forehead. "What did you say again?"

"Do we have snacks here?"

"Oh yah, there's cookies in the fridge. Check it out."


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