Part 5

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Tiffany was sitting by her window with her sketchpad on her lap. He can't take Franco off her head. She can remember each and every detail of his face. She started to draw Franco starting from the shape of his face. She draws him as far as what she can remember. His eyes were planted on her mind. She finally finished it and a smile flash across her face. She kept on dashing light lines on Franco's portray in her hand.

She took a look outside her window. She stared at the tree and smiled. He's the first one that she'd talk to except her Aunt Marie.

"Time to eat." Aunt Marie pops from the door.

"Yah. I'll follow you down." Tiffany replied as she closes the sketchpad.

She thought of Franco the whole day. She can't take her off her mind. She didn't even bid goodbye, doesn't even know where he lives. Even his full name. So as the reason why he was at the top of the tree. She has a lot of question that's running in her mind. She's hoping to see Franco again but she doesn't know when, how and where.

At some point, she's not putting her hopes high cause she might end up disappointed when things went the other way round.

She ran down to the dining room.

"I cooked spaghetti." Aunt Marie said welcoming her.

"What happened? I didn't saw you the other day?" Tiffany asked.

"We got out of supplies so I went for grocery."

"Oh. Okay. What is this for?"

"I don't know. I just find it somehow a good thing to let you try my recipe."

"I thought it's your birthday."

"It's not."

Tiffany calmly ate the spaghetti. She was silent and wasn't complaining which was strange on Aunt Marie's part.

"Are you sick?" She broke the silence and asked Tiffany.

"Huh? I'm not." Tiffany was about to finish the meal.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I am. Sure."

"Okay. Tell me if anything's wrong."


Tiffany was about to finish her meal. She slowly damps a cloth on her lips.

"I'm done. Thanks Aunt Marie." Tiffany said as she moved her way out of the room.

"That was weird." Aunt Marie whispered to herself.


Midnight came. Franco planned to slide out and succeeded. He moved close to Tiffany's house. He took a good look near the house and slowly made her way to see her. He found her in bed. Lying very still. He hangs by the window upside down. She can see her face. Her hair shines under the moonlight. He can see how her body moves as she breath. She's beautiful. He can't take his eyes off her. As the clock struck two he leaves and get back to his tree. He's been visiting her the whole week hoping that one day he'll find her awake.

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