Part 14

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Franco suddenly thought of something. The reason why he wanted to talk to her.

"Can I ask you something, Tiff?" Franco said looking at Tiffany straight into the eye.

"Yes. What about?" Tiffany innocently answered. Franco felt guilty with Tiffany's kindness and sweetness and care and every little bit of goodness in her because he knows that he's just something she isn’t supposed to be with. To talk with or even something that can be with her for life.

"What if you found out something about me?" Franco said seriously. The aura around them shifted. From the happy get together to a mysterious secret unfolding.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." Franco laughed weakly. "What if, this is not the real me."

"I don't understand. What's that supposed to mean?"

"Like. I've been lying to you."

"What's going on Franc?"

"Nothing. I'm just asking."

"What kind of question is that? Is there something that you should tell me?"

Franco was silent. The tension was up as Tiffany kind of raises her temper. She thinks Franco needs to tell her something important.

"Come on. Let's give this a rest." Franco stood up still holding one of Tiffany's hands. Tiffany was glued on the roof. Not saying a word and was cold to Franco. "Tiffany. You need to rest." Franco bended Tiffany while Tiffany shifts her head just to avoid Franco. "Tiffany?" Tiffany didn't respond. Franco slightly tilted Tiffany's chin to him by his index finger.

Their faces are so close that they could breathe each other's breath. Franco didn't expect that the sight of Tiffany this close would leave him frozen in his position.

Tiffany's eyes widened. They could've kissed with this closeness. She can see his eyes clearly. Those gray eyes, staring at hers. His features were nicely shadowed by the moonlight. She felt Franco's hand tightened its grip with hers.

Franco can kiss her if he wanted to but then "Tiffany?" He whispered close to her face.

"Yes?" Tiffany replied swallowing hard.

"Can I tell you something?"

"What?" Tiffany's heart was beating fast. This closeness is killing her. She wanted to close this space between them and lock herself into his kiss.

"Your heart is beating fast." Franco said smiling at her.

Tiffany tried to move the hand that Franco's holding to her chest but Franco tightened its grip.

Tiffany was left speechless. This is killing her. The fact that he's so close but she's not pulling him in and he's not even pulling her in. Franco smiled.

"You should go to bed." Franco said breaking the heat around them.

"Yah. I should." Tiffany said pulling her chin off from Franco's hand.

Franco was still holding her hand. He pulled her up. They slowly balanced their way to Tiffany's window.

Tiffany's head was regretting.

I could've kissed him but I didn't. That was so stupid Tiffany. Stupid. He's there. Right there. Just a breath away but then you didn't! Ugh! What were you thinking?!

Franco assisted her into her room slowly not wanting to make noise. As Tiffany stepped away from the window, Franco at last let her hand go.

"You're leaving?"

"Yes, I am. Madam." Franco replied joyfully.

"Okay. When are you visiting again?"

Franco walked into her room and stood close to her. He was towering over her.

"I'll try my best to visit you as soon as possible." He whispered. He moved a step closer to Tiffany then slowly wrapped his arms around her. He hugged her tight like they're not going to see each other again. Tiffany hugged him back and even sinks her head into his shoulder. She was happy even though she hasn’t gone to kiss him but at least he was wrapped around her.

They pulled away. Franco stood steady as Tiffany take a step back and made her way to her bed. Franco's hand travels from her shoulder to her arm and grip her wrist. He pulls her back to him and meets her with a kiss. Their lips met and were in a deep kiss. Franco's hand cupped her face as the other trace its way to her back. Pulling her close. Tiffany wrapped her arms around Franco's neck and kissed him back. Craving for each and every part of him. Franco pulled her close to him. Her body pressed to his. His lips into hers. There was a spark of love. The love that they aren't supposed to have.

Franco pulled away and smiled. Tiffany's eyes were still close, her lips curled into a smile.

"You can open your eyes." Franco said as he run a hand over her face, sweeping some of the hair off. Tiffany opened her eyes. Franco's smile welcomed him.

"What am I supposed to say?"

"I don't know. But I have something to say actually." Franco said as he hugged her and whispered to her. "I love you." Franco felt like an eagle flying high, being free. He was now free with the feelings that he so long to keep.

He tilted his head back to her and kissed her deep. Showing her how much he loves her. Tiffany pulled away slowly. "I have something to say too." Tiffany whispered. Her eyes still close. Franco was smiling, looking at her like a scared puppy, afraid to see what his reaction would be with the way she reacts.


"I love you too." She said as she open her eyes and felt embarrassed. Franco was smiling at her. The kind of smile that she'd never seen before. "Why are you smiling like that?" Tiffany said.

"You're blushing."

Tiffany felt embarrassed. She covered her face. "I'm not." She said under the cover.

"Yes you are."

"I'm not." Tiffany said still covering her face as she slowly take step back moving away from Franco.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to bed." Tiffany said, trying to figure her way to her bed with her face covered and walking backwards.

"You're going to hit something." Franco said mocking her. He moved close to her and removed her hands from her face. He found her with her eyes closed.

"You want me to kiss you again?" Franco said. Tiffany covered her mouth without opening her eyes.

"No. Now you go home and go to bed." Tiffany said with her mouth covered. She continued to take steps backward not knowing where she's about to land.

"You should take a step to the right. That would be better." Franco instructed trying to help her.

Tiffany took a step to the right. "One more." Franco added. Tiffany took one more step to the right. "Much better."

"Thanks." Tiffany said as she turns her back on him then hops into her bed and went under her covers.

"Goodnight Tiffany." Franco said as he walked his way to the window.

"Goodnight Franc." Tiffany replied giggling.

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