Chapter 2- The Delivery

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Chris and Nichole's wedding was held at White Field. Vahl was performing the ceremony while the rest of the five were bridesmaids. Boise was the ring bearer again while Lydia, Regina Mills, and Snow White were flower girls for the third time in a row. Loki had to sit in the back row because he was so tall, which meant he had to be next to Auer and Harleen and far from his wife.

Why do I have to be here anyway? Loki thought. I don't even know the groom, and Nikki doesn't even like me!

He glanced at Maddie as she stood with her friends at the altar. She was three months pregnant now and starting to show. He worried that something was going to happen to her whenever they were apart, even if it was only by a few feet. She met his gaze and gave him an assuring smile, calming him down a little.

Then the music started up and everybody turned to see the three teens walk down the runway, followed by Nichole Price. She wore a flowing, translucent multi-colored gown with a short train, a veil of the same colors hanging from a wreath of sparkling red wax grapes. Chris' eyes widened as she drew closer. Diana stood at his side as his best woman, along with a couple other members of the Pride of Newark. They each wore their Pride of Newark jackets and pants.

Once Nichole and Chris had said their vows and their marriage was sealed with a kiss, everybody stomped their feet and cheered. Loki rolled his eyes and clapped his hands with indifference. He was just excited that he could get back to his wife now.

At the reception, Loki and Maddie were met with Frisk, who appeared to have gained weight.

"I heard you two are having a baby!" she exclaimed. "That is so weird! I'm having a baby too!"

Maddie gasped. "Oh, how wonderful! But...who's...?"

"Wouldn't it be even weirder if our babies came at the same time? When are you due?"

"Six months."

"Aw, mine's due in seven. Bummer. Oh well, promise we'll get a play date?"

"That would be lovely."

"Great! I gotta go. I've got a muffin craving!"

As the tan marcher left, Maddie looked up at Loki. "Speaking of cravings, I could really go for some cotton candy."

The Frost Giant zapped up a cone for her. She licked it contently.

"Funny how most of your cravings include chocolate milk and cotton candy."

"I guess it has to do with you being the father," Maddie giggled.

"By the way, what do you think it will be? A boy or a girl?"

"It's too early for the doctor to tell. Hey, can't you find out? After all, you were able to tell that Cadence's baby was going to be a girl."

"Oh yeah."

He used his x-ray vision to try and get a look, but something seemed to be preventing him from doing so.

"Ow!" he cried, his hands flying up to his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Maddie asked.

Once his vision had readjusted, he shook his head. "I guess the kid doesn't want me peeking."

"Can it have magical abilities even before it's born?"

"Don't look at me. I didn't have parents to teach me these things."

"Oh well," she shrugged. "Looks like we'll just have to be surprised."

As the newlyweds stepped into the dragon drawn chariot, Nichole Price tossed her bouquet over her shoulder. All the single women scrambled for it, but it landed in Boise's paws. Alyssa was standing beside him at that moment. They both glanced away awkwardly.

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