Chapter 16- Betryal

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Loki was taking a stroll through Newark, hoping to get his mind off things, when he saw Alyssa running toward him.

"Whoa there, cowgirl!" Loki said, stopping her with his hand. "What's the rush?"

"Oh shoot," Alyssa muttered under her breath.

Of all the folks she could bump into, it had to be him! She put on her best poker face, which was not very convincing.

"Oh, uh, howdy partner! I was just, uh...I have to, uh...I left the bath water runnin'! Yeah, I gotta get home, see? So, uh...bye!"

She thought she was free until the frost giant picked her up by the hair.

"Element of Drumline, huh?" he smirked. "So what's really troubling you, AJ?"

"Uh..." Alyssa gulped. "I don't really wanna talk about it!" She started sweating. "Plus, it doesn't concern you!"

Loki shook his head in amusement. "You know I can always just peek into your head and discover what you're hiding?"

"No!" the cowgirl shouted, kicking her legs desperately. "You're not gonna like it!"

"Ooh! That juicy, huh? This is gonna be fun!"

"Loki, trust me on this! You don't wanna..."

"The more you say that, the more I do wanna!"

Alyssa had no chance against the God of Mischief. He tapped his hand on her head and accessed her most recent memory. The scene shifted and he found himself standing beside Alyssa in an alley. She stood there slack-jawed, staring intensely at something in front of her.

Loki looked in the human's direction and soon his expression matched hers.

An green-haired male was pressing a woman against the wall, kissing her passionately. The woman had her arms around his neck as she returned his kiss with pleasure. Loki had never felt more disgusted about anything in his life.

For that female was his wife.

"Madisyn?" Alyssa uttered.

The marcher pushed the male away to look at the stunned cowgirl with those once innocent brown eyes. She rolled them in annoyance.

"Uh, hello?" she said in a tone that was very unlike her. "Do you mind?"

She was about to pull the male in again when Alyssa cut between them.

"What is this?!" she demanded. "Who is this?! What about Loki?! And Belle and Serverus?!"

Madisyn scoffed. "They'll be fine, so long as they don't find out. And if they do, they'll get over it."

Alyssa could not believe it. "What's come over you?! Do ya have any idea what Loki will do if...?"

"Move aside, will you?" Madisyn snapped, shoving her friend. "We were in the middle of something!"

Loki had seen enough and flashed back to reality. Alyssa was still hanging from his hand. The shock in his face struck fear in her heart.

"I...I'm sorry!" she stammered. "I...I wanted to tell ya but...I didn't know how to..."

She yelped as he dropped her. She rubbed her head and sat up.

"Loki, are you...?"

The frost giant screamed as his body turned blue. In a few seconds, there was nothing left but snow. Alyssa knew he had not really turned into snow, but it was not a good sign. The cowgirl buried her face in her hands.

"Oh, Madisyn! What have you done?!"

Once she was sure Alyssa was gone, Madisyn wrenched herself away from her lover.

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