Chapter 12- Happiness and Drama at the Gala

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"Come on, girls!" Cedric Goodwyn called from outside the ladies' dressing room. "Why won't you let me in?"

"It's not that we're embarrassed to dress in front of you," Belle said.

"It's just we don't want you peeking!" Chara finished.

"We want you guys to be surprised!"

"Surprised for what? I've known you girls forever!"

"Just go back to your father, Sugar!" Alyssa commanded. "We'll see y'all tonight."

Cedric Goodwyn sighed. "Whatever you say, Mom."

"So Belle," Princess Selina Kyle said as she filed the younger girl's nails. Even though she was a princess, she liked giving her friends makeovers. "Is there a certain somebody you're taking to the dance?"

Belle blushed. "Not really. How about you?"

"No. My last boyfriend was too arrogant. I'm sick of all these Columbus snobs! No offense, Tatum."

"None taken," the princess said as she attempted to curl her daughter's hair. "Liberty, hold still! However did you get so many knots in here?"

"Probably from pulling at her hair too much," Cordelia Goodwyn snickered.

"Tatum, are you sure this hair straightener works?" Cwryen Caster asked.

"It always works for me," Tatum replied. "Why do you ask?"

"No matter how many times I straighten the Tri-Caster's hairs, they become all poofy again!"

Since Cwryen thought it was silly calling her daughters 'the triplets,' she nicknamed them the 'Tri-Casters.'

"Ah!" Mavis Spence screamed.

"What is it, honey?" Martha inquired.

"Look, Mom!" The girl had released her hair from her braids and held the strands up for her mother to see. "Split ends!"

Liberty cried out in pain as her mother abruptly yanked the curler out of her hair.

"Did you say 'split ends'?" Tatum questioned.

"Wow!" Cwryen observed, taking a strand of Mavis Spence's hair. "Nasty ones, too!"

The princess gasped. "This is terrible! Don't worry, dear! I'll get to you as soon as I'm done with Liberty, here."

"But Aunt Tatum, this is an emergency!" Belle insisted. "There's a boy involved!"

Tatum gasped again and dropped the curler. "A boy?! Well, why didn't you say so?!"

She grabbed a pair of scissors and hastened Mavis Spence to a seat.

"Mom!" Liberty protested. "What about my hair?!"

"Oh, um..." Tatum stammered. "Madisyn, think you can...?"

"Of course."

The marcher went over to the princess girl to finish the job while Tatum snipped at Mavis Spence's hair.

"So this boy," she said, "are you two close?"

"We've been friends for a while," Mavis Spence replied with a blush.

"And he hasn't asked you out yet?! Darling, you should have called me sooner! When's the last time you combed your hair?"

"Ahem," Martha coughed. "I make sure she combs her hair every day."

"Well, then messy hair must be an Apple thing."

"Hey!" Alyssa cried.

"Oh, don't take it personally, darling, it's true!"

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