Chapter 14- Fights

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Loki paced around Belle's bedroom, trying to control his frustration. His daughter sat on the bed, glaring down at her feet while Madisyn stood a safe distance away from them both.

"I'm a reasonable father!" Loki ranted. "I let you bend reality, I let you stay up late, I let you eat dessert before dinner! I never ask for much! Yet the one rule I make, the one thing I tell you not to do, you go out and break!"

"Daddy, you don't understand..." Belle started to say.

"Did you know who that male was?"


"Did you?!"

She hung her head. "Yes."

He crossed his arms. "How long have you been seeing that boy?"

Belle looked away.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! Fire giants are dangerous! You can't trust them, especially that one!"

"You don't even know him!" his daughter spat.

"Yeah? Well, like mother, like son! All fire giants are the same: heartless, burning, hideous monsters!"

"You're the one to talk!"


Belle covered her mouth while Madisyn gasped in horror. Loki narrowed his eyes at his daughter.

"Oh," he growled. "Oh! So that's the way you're gonna play it, eh, missy?! Yes! I'm hideous! But at least I have a heart! Fire giants are incapable of any..."

"Daddy, I love him!"

The only sound that could be heard was another gasp from Madisyn. Loki's eyes grew to the size of frying pans.

"No," he uttered. "Have you lost your senses?! He's a fire giant!"

"I don't care!" Belle said defiantly.

"Can't you see he's bewitched you?! Can't you see he's feeding off your emotions?! He's only using you! A creature like that cannot love!"

The young girl could not take it anymore and hopped off the bed. "You're such a hypocrite!"

She raced toward the door.

"I'm not finished with you, young lady!" Loki bellowed.

"Well, I'm finished!"

As she threw the door open with her magic, she heard some shouts. Behind the door were the Tri-Casters and Kara. Belle ignored them and ran sobbing down the hall.

"Belle Madisyn Frost Giant!" Loki shouted. "You come back here this instant!"

"Loki!" Madisyn said sternly, laying her hand on his shoulder. "I think you might have been too hard on her."

"Too hard on her?!" the frost giant repeated. "She deliberately disobeyed me! On top of that, she used her magic against me and called me a heartless monster! A hypocritical one at that!"

"But Loki, don't you see?"

"Don't I see what?"

"This is precisely how I was treated when I fell in love with you!"

The frost giant grew silent. He tried to find a proper response, but he found none.

"Our daughter's right," Madisyn declared. "You are a hypocrite! You forbid Belle from falling in love with a fire giant, when the world forbade me from falling in love with you!"

"That was different!" Loki insisted. "I loved you back! Fire giants are incapable of love! They say they care for you, but once their hunger is satisfied, they stab you in the back!"

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