Chapter 11- To Cloumbus

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The disadvantage to having such a large estate was that it was difficult for one to find their children anywhere. Madisyn had been wandering around for hours before she found hers over by the duck pond.

Belle stood over her baby brother as she covered her eyes. "Where's the baby?"

Serverus giggled as he vanished from sight. His sister opened her eyes and looked around. She smiled once she spotted the infant in the tree above. She floated up to him and snatched him.

"Here he is!"

The baby laughed as Belle tickled his tummy.

"So this is where you two have been all day!" Madisyn exclaimed, marching up to them. "Having fun?"

"Loads!" Belle declared. "Isn't Serverus just the cutest wittle baby you've ever seen?"

Her mother chuckled as she patted the infant's head. "I'd say he's tied with you. Belle, honey, have you packed your things? Remember, we'll be staying in Columbus for a week."

"Oh, I did that hours ago! Mom, why can't Serverus come with us?"

Madisyn sighed and took her baby into her arms. "We're going to be very busy, and the Grand Marching Gala is no place for a baby. Besides, who knows what kind of magical surges Serverus will get while we're there? He might turn the ballroom to ice, the castle to gingerbread, put spiders in Princess Selina Kyle's bed..."

"One little harmless prank and you're labeled for life! Come on, Mom! I can keep him in line. The prince and princesses haven't even seen him yet!"

"Perhaps another time, honey, when things are less hectic."

Inside, Madisyn was crying at the thought of leaving her precious baby boy behind. He had rarely left her sight since he was born! She would not let anyone other than Belle or Loki handle him! She figured Alyssa was feeling the same about leaving JohnnyStien.

"I don't know about this, Liberty Iler," said Alyssa. "Taking care of two kids plus Quasar and the other animals can't be easy, and JohnnyStien can be a handful!"

"And there's no telling what Serverus will do!" Madisyn exclaimed.

"Now don't y'all worry about yerr little ones!" the elderly human assured them. "They're in good hands here!"

"Don't forget to feed him every hour!" Alyssa reminded her. "There are some dog treats in the cupboard for when he gets picky! And if ya need to burp him, point his head away from anything expensive! Oh, and don't forget his seven-hour bubble bath has to be super bubbly! And keep your hands away from his mouth. His teeth are starting to come in."

"Ouch!" Cordelia Goodwyn cried out, pulling her hand away from her baby brother's crib. "She's not kidding!"

"And make sure Serverus doesn't drink too much chocolate milk," Madisyn advised, "because then he gets hyper and his magic gets out of control! You have to read him a bedtime story and sing a lullaby, otherwise he'll never get to sleep!"

"And JohnnyStien will make a fuss all night if he doesn't have his binky!" Alyssa insisted.

"I got it covered, hon!" Liberty Iler declared. "After all, I had to take care of you, yerr brother and sister."

"That was different! Andrew Spence and I were practically grown up and JohnnyStien and Serverus aren't like other kids!"

"Yeah," Cedric Goodwyn nodded. "Just last week, the little tyke bit my eyebrows while I was feeding him!"

"Ya see?!"

Boise chuckled as he laid a paw on his wife's shoulder. "Little JohnnyStien will be fine, honey! I think we know by now there's nothing Liberty Iler can't handle."

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