Chapter 9- Caught

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"Is your talent gardening?" Cara guessed.

The children were in the schoolyard where Mavis Space was showing off her new cutie mark: a pink flower.

"Nope," she replied. "My talent is perfumes!"

"Huh?" everybody uttered.

"Actually, I have Connor Price to thank for my cutie mark. When he told me the other day that I smelled nice, I got an idea!"

Connor blushed. "You heard that?"

"I'm glad I did! See, that morning, one of Aunt Alyssa's apple pies fell on my head and that's why I had that smell! I figured I could use that smell to make a perfume!"

She opened her book bag and withdrew a small spray bottle. She squirted some at Chloe Price. The marcher grunted in annoyance but then took a whiff of herself.

"Smells good," she said bluntly.

"So why is your cutie mark a flower and not a perfume bottle?" Chara asked.

"Because I made the perfume with apple blossoms that I had pressed in my scrapbook," Mavis Spence explained. "They had fallen off the trees before they could turn to apples. Mom says my cutie mark means I can give everybody my apple-y flowery scent!"

While everybody congratulated Mavis Spence, Belle sat on a bench and doodle in the dirt with a stick.


The girl jumped and turned to Mavis Spence.

"Weren't you listening to my story?"

Belle shook her head. "Sorry, Spence. Congratulations on your cutie mark."

Her other friends had gathered round to see what she had been so occupied in.

"Since when did you become so girly?" Connor inquired.

"What do you mean?" Belle asked.

Chloe pointed to the dirt. It was covered in little hearts and a few big ones with the initials 'B' and 'R' written in them. Belle dropped her stick. She had not realized she had been drawing all that.

"Ooh!" Chara exclaimed. "Who's R?"

"Nobody!" Belle insisted, using her magic to make the incriminating doodles disappear.

Mavis Spence scrutinized her face. "Wait a minute." She gasped dramatically. "No way! Beauty's got a crush!"

"What?! No I don't!"

"You so do! You're blushing like crazy!"

Chara squealed. "Oh my gosh! Who is it?"

"Is he cute?"

"What color is his hair?"

"It's not Connor Price, is it?"

"Is it Cedric Goodwyn?"

"You girls know we're standing right here, right?" Cedric Goodwyn scowled.

"So spill!" Mavis Spence urged. "Who is it?"

Belle was literally saved by the bell. As the other kids hastened inside the schoolhouse, she let out a sigh of relief.

Over the past month, she and Prince Rumple have been meeting up frequently. In those meetings, they had played, laughed and confided in each other. Neither of them had told anyone about it and it was becoming harder and harder for Belle to keep the secret from her friends and family.

Mavis Spence was not the first to notice anything weird about her behavior. Last week, at dinner, her mother had been the one to observe Belle's lack of appetite.

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