Chapter 15-A Lesson in Friendship

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Chara, Cedric Goodwyn, Mavis Spence and the twins stood outside Belle's bedroom.

"Go ahead," Chloe said, nudging her brother. "Knock."

"I'm not knocking," Connor insisted. "You knock!"

"No, you knock!"

"You knock!"

"Fine! Cedric Goodwyn , you knock!"

"No way!" the earth male declared. "I'm not crazy to go near her when she's in this state!"

"My coz is right," Mavis Spence agreed. "Suppose we get her upset and she loses it? She went through a lot yesterday. Maybe only one of us should go in."

"I'll go," Chara volunteered. "She's my best friend."

Nobody ever argued whenever Chara said that, knowing that the two of them were closer than bread and butter. The princess was about to knock on the door when Cedric Goodwyn stopped her hand.

"Be careful," he whispered.

Chara nodded and knocked.

"Go away!" Belle screamed from inside.

"Beauty, it's Chara! May I come in?"

There was a pause. "Just you."

The door opened automatically for Chara to step inside. The room was completely dark and silent, save for Belle's sobbing and the twittering of three sparrows circling her. Chara raised an eyebrow at them questioningly.

"They're for moral support," her friend stated.


Chara climbed onto the bed and carefully lay her hand on Belle's head. "You okay?"

"Do I look okay?!"

The princess jumped back at her tone. Belle sighed as she rolled onto her back and sat up.

"Sorry, Char. I've just had a bad day."

"I understand," Chara nodded. "The Tri-Casters told us about your fight with your dad."

"Those tattletale triplets," Belle muttered under her breath.

"Everybody fights with their parents now and then."

"But that's the first time I fought with Dad! I mean Mom's gotten sore at me several times before, but not Dad! We never had anything to argue about until now!"

She buried her face in her knees. Chara patted her on the head.

"The Tri-Casters told me he was hard on you."

"What else did they tell you?" Belle asked, not looking up.

The princess bit her lip. "Well...I don't know if they were just talking crazy like they normally do, but they said were, that fire giant?"

This time, Belle did look up. "It's true, okay?!"

Chara's eyes widened. "Was he the special somebody you were talking about?"


"Wow. You weren't kidding when you said your dad would get mad."

Belle had expected a scream. "You don't mind?"

"Beauty, my best friend's the Princess of Mischief, my boyfriend's dad is a dog, my eyes are red. I'm used to weird stuff."

The earth human giggled. "Well, yeah, giants are supposed to be evil."

Chara shrugged. "So is your dad."

Belle smiled and hugged her friend. "I knew you'd understand, Chara! What do the others think?"

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