Chapter 4- First Day of School

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Belle was five when she started school. There was some debate that morning on who would take her. Maddie worried that Loki would shock the young boys and girls, but he saw it as his duty as Belle's father to walk her to her first day of school. The marcher finally gave in and allowed him to come.

As they slowly approached the red building, Belle felt her stomach churn.

"What if the humans don't like me?" she asked her parents.

"Of course they'll like you!" Loki replied, playfully fixing her yellow dress. "Why wouldn't they? After all, who wouldn't like the most adorable child in all of Ohio?"

Silence fell over the schoolyard as the children stopped their playing at the sight of the Frost Giant. Belle gestured to them.

"Because I'm different?"

"And that's what makes you so adorable!" her father exclaimed, ruffling her hair.

"Everything will be alright, honey," Maddie assured the child. "Chara will be here, so will Connor, Chloe and Cedric Goodwyn."

After Alyssa and Boise had tied the knot a couple of years ago, they had adopted two kids, a brother and a sister, from the Columbus Orphanage, doubting that having their own child would be possible. The male, Cedric Goodwyn, was Belle's age and the female, Cordelia Goodwyn, was but a toddler and not old enough to attend school.

"Your teacher is also Martha," Maddie continued. "You remember her: Mavis Spence's mother? Oh, and she will be in your class too."

Mavis Spence was also around Belle's age. They had not met that often, but she knew she was Aunt Alyssa's real niece. She also remembered Martha, a very nice woman who always smiled. The idea of her being her teacher made Belle feel a little better, plus all her friends were going to be in her class.

"And don't worry if anybody makes fun of you," Loki added. "Just show them who's Boss and turn them into an orange!"

"Loki!" Maddie shouted with a glare. "That's no advice to give to our child!" She looked back at the child. "If anybody cannot accept how special you are, that's their problem. As for your magic...don't get into any trouble and don't make anybody feel jealous..."

"She deserves to show off her powers!"

The marcher shot him another warning glare before continuing. "Promise me you'll behave. Okay, honey?"

Belle nodded. "I'll be good, Mommy."

"Good." She kissed her on the forehead. "Now, have you got everything? Your lunch?"


"Your notebook and pencils?"


"Don't forget your apple for the teacher!" Loki exclaimed, snapping his fingers.

An apple appeared in Belle's hand. She gasped and then chuckled as a worm popped out of it.

"Loki," Maddie warned.

The Frost Giant laughed as he replaced the apple with a ripe worm-free one. "Just kidding, darling! Don't take everything so seriously!"


The family turned to see the red-eyed princess rushing towards them. Belle embraced her best friend happily.

"Isn't this exciting?" Chara cried, bouncing up and down. "It's our first day of school! We're gonna have so much fun and make lots of new friends!"

The princess grew even more excited as three marchers walked up the road.

"Hey, Maddie!" Nichole Price greeted. "Looks like our kids are going to be in the same class."

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