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New York 9:46 pm

Lisa Pov

I was on my way to my apartment, I decided to buy a flat that was close to the center of city and avoid the traffic of New York. The night felt cold, it was noticeable that winter was near. I have been living in this city for 10 years and I will never be able to overcome how beautiful it is at night. When I was 17 years old, my parents had decided that it was best to move to America and be able to make our family business known worldwide and we have been successful in that.

Our family business was known to be one of the construction business in the world, we had buildings everywhere and I'm my father's right hand. Now I'm 27 years old and I'm one of the best architects in New York and that is why I have a lot of work every day but I try to do my best I can since there are families that depend on us.

I walked calmly until I heard some fireworks explode in the sky and it was like a reflection, I turned to my side, as if I was trying to protect someone from the noise.

"She was afraid of that kind of noise ..."

I let out a sigh while looking down.

"Com'on, Lisa, let's not start with that again." I scold myself.

As much as time and the years pass, memories are something that we can never erase, they are part of us.

I continued my way home, leaving aside my memories, I didn't want to go back asking the same old questions tonight.

"Goodnight, Miss Manoban." Says the guard that takes care of the gate of the building..

"Goodnight." I replied with a half smile as I passed by him.

I take the elevator and press the button that had the number 26 shown, I arrived at my apartment, and luckily I had bought one of the flats that only has two apartments, one I had bought and the other one my best friend but she was away now, so I was completely alone.

In the other floors there were up to 6 apartments but I didn't want any of them since I didn't want annoying and scandalous neighbors, enough I had with Jisoo, my best friend. She's a lawyer and right now she was in Canada solving a case.

I walked into my apartment, it was very big, it had a very large room, a kitchen that was very big and with every thing. It had 3 bedrooms all with their own bathroom, jacuzzi, cleaning room, a games room and a study and a balcony with the best view of New York.

I took off my coat and left it on the rack next to the front door, I walk to the kitchen to put some tea.

I turned on the heating so that the place got a little warm, the cold of New York can be sometimes intense at night.

I walked to my bedroom, to get on something more comfortable, I had changed for shorts and a sweatshirt 3 times bigger than me. I walked back to the kitchen to see if the tea was already but no.

The sound of fireworks returned to my attention, you could see then from the balcony that I had.

I walked to the balcony.

"Do not do it Lisa, it's cold, you only have a sweatshirt, some shorts on and you could get sick," I said as I debated whether I should go out on the balcony or not.

The fireworks appeared again in the sky.

"Well I have die of something." I finally said before going out the balcony. The city looked beautiful from here, I never imagined living in this part of the world, I used to live in South Korea in my adolescence, they are so different cities.

The fireworks returned to make presence and when they exploded, memories also exploded in me.

"You don't like fireworks?, I like them, they're pretty" I asked as I watched her cover her ears.

"I like them, I also think they are beautiful but I don't like the noise, it is very loud and it scares me." she replies, embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Jennie, you don't have to be scared, I'm with you to protect you." I said as I hugged her and she hid her face in my neck."

A sad smile escaped my lips as I remembered what happened more than 10 years ago.

I looked up at the sky, the new moon looked beautiful and the stars.

Those cat eyes came back to my mind.

"Wherever you are, now we only share the sky and the memories... Jennie." I said softly, feeling a little bittersweet.

I looked down thinking that none of that should affect me anymore, several years have passed and I have a life made and I am happy now, I suppose.

The sound of my cell phone took me out of my thoughts, I walked to the living room without first closing the balcony.

I looked at my cell phone and it was a message I did not expect to receive but it made me smile.

"Very soon I will return to you, my love, I miss you, eat well and put on something warm baby. I love you."

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