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New York 8:27 a.m.

Lisa Pov

I was already in my office reviewing some plans for the construction that I will start in Los Angeles in a few weeks. It be a hotel we will be building and I had to review what would be the appropriate structure.

I liked my work, the process and the end is the best, see how is the difference between the beginning and the end. It is a pride without a doubt.

I was concentrated until I heard some knocks on the door.

"Good morning, Miss Manoban." Sana tells me.

Sana Minatozaki is my secretary, she is a young woman of 24 years, of Japanese origin but when she came of age she came to New York to try her luck, she continues studying, she wants to be an architect. I had met her a few months ago while she was looking one of the building we were finishing and she told me that she needed work and I gave her the opportunity to be my secretary with the condition that she has to continue with her studies in the afternoons. She's very kind, sometimes clumsy but very responsible.

"Good morning, Sana, and I have told you that you can call me Lisa." I say as I sit down.

"I'm sorry, it's just the habit." she says as she puts my coffee in front of me.

"Its Okay, don't worry, what do you need?" I ask as I type on my labtop.

"You're father wants to see you, he just came in. He is waiting you in his office." She tells me.

"Okay Sana, thanks, I'll go in a moment, have you had breakfast yet?" I ask as I get up from my seat to go to the door.

"A coffee" she says smiling.

"That's not breakfast, please order my breakfast and put it on my desk and ask for something for yourself." I tell her while I open the door.

"It's not necessary, really."

"It's not a question, it's an order," I say smiling and then leave my office and go see my father.

I wonder why he wants to see me, it's not that I didn't like to see him but it is very strange that he is here, when almost everything is handled from home.

I arrived at my father's office and knocked on his door three times.

"Come in." I Listen his voice from the other side of the door.

"Good morning father, Sana told me you wanted to see me." I say as I walk into his office.

"Good morning princess, you're beautiful as always." he tells me as he gets up from his seat and walks towards me.

"Thanks dad, you're also very handsome." I say as I hug him.

"I know, I've always been handsome." he says laughing.

"And very modest, too." I answer as laugh with him.

"Please sit down, I want to talk to you about something." he tells me as he walks to his chair.

"Is something wrong?" I say as I sit in front of him.

"Everything is fine, only that I got an excellent business in Japan." He says smiling but at the same time I noticed that he was somewhat worried.

"That's excellent father, but why are you tense?" I ask as I settle into my seat.

"What happens is that I want you to take charge of that business and you'll have to go to Japan until it's over." He says nervous

"You know I have no problem with that, I love my job and I can go." I say smiling.

"What happens is that you would have to Seoul for a week to finish signing the contracts and I don't want something bad happening while you're in Korea, you know what I mean." he finally says.

Of course I knew what he meant, it's about her. He didn't want me to have problems just in case I see her, that's why he was so tense.

"Honey, I know what happened years ago, it was difficult and I didn't want you to go through it on my own again, Jennie, she ..." I cut him off before he continued speaking.

"It's okay dad, you don't have to worry, I've passed that page and the last time I heard about her, she had left Korea and I don't know where she is now and that was years ago so nothing is going to happen." I say quietly.

He Released a sigh and then looks at me with a smile.

"Okay, I trust you, you will go to Korea next week and in two weeks you will go to Japan." He tells me when he gave me all the information.

"Okay dad but I would like Sana to come with me, she is from Japan and it will also help her a lot in her studies to see how a building is made." I tell him as I get up from my seat.

"Alright, I have no problem with that." he says smiling.

"I'll go to my office, if you need anything, just tell Sana so she can let me know." I tell him then leave his office.

I walked down the hall thinking what was waiting for me.

"Everything will be fine just like now, nothing will change." I tell myself.

But something in me was telling me the opposite.

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